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Everything involving school, teachers, school board, students, principal and stuff like that.

Most of all, teachers.


One of the worst people to exist in my world.

Sorry, I know there are some nice and decent ones and I know they are human too.

But they sure as hell don't act like they are.

My math teacher sucks Kermit's balls.

I swear he is so aggravating and so boring and old and, annoying in so many ways.

Like this bitch takes points off your overall grade, if you use a pass to go out and use the bathroom.

Always using that stupid excuse "Why didn't you go during lunch time?" or if you're in elementary "Why didn't you go during recess?"

Like I'm sorry, does it look I know when in the exact time I feel the need to shit??

And then my math teacher sometimes assigns us "take-home quizzes" and I'm like "bitch who gave you the right to make up such a thing?"

Once my principal finally retires, my math teacher will be the oldest in the school.

Ugh, so fortunate for me.

And I hate when they assume things, like if someone just simply does something, they take it the wrong way and start blaming them for no reason.

Last year, in my dance class we were reading this book, and some girl found a bad word in one of the books and told the teacher.

Since we were supposedly her worst class, she immediately blamed us and said her other classes were good and they wouldn't do that.

Like shut the fuck up, I seriously don't care whose better but anyone could've done it.

And my Language Arts is pissing me off with the whole Reading Plus and that we have to do 2 read around and 3 see/readers every day, 7 days a week.

I don't do it, cuz I have no wifi nor a computer sooooooo, fuck off.

Ikr, sympathize me, no wifi.

And when I tell him I can't and I don't have time he's like "Oh well, that's your mom's fault then." Cuz she sometimes work late so I can't go to the public library so, go suck some balls Mr. Zack.

What's the funny part of this is that my math teacher's name is Mr. Bischoff.

Ahem* Bitchoff.

And the teachers, they sometimes teach us some bullshit that we don't even need in our lives.

Like how is the angle of a triangle gonna help me pay my bills??

How is the distance from the sun gonna help me buy food?

Explain to me this, because I don't understand.

And then when you're sick.

It was the flu-season, so many people got sick.

That was one of my friends.

And my math teacher was all like "Even if you're sick, if you're out for more than five days you will have to pass the final to pass the grade."

I was like "Bitch you finna fight me, you think I can control my being sick? No, so fuck off."

I love how parents say to not talk to strangers, yet when the first-day of school comes they force me into a building FILLED with strangers.


I hate when they're like "Why are you late?" and shit like that, but when they get pissed for everyone not sitting in their seats and shit like that, then they hold us back and make us late to our class.

Like, you really wanna get ripped into pieces don't you?

There was this one time at lunch where in some different periods for lunch there is a different person to handle everything and tell the classes to line up.

So one time, I had my 4th period for lunch, and it was kinda ending.

But there was this thing that if you don't clean your table, and they find the most dirtiest table they are the "winners" and their prize is to clean up the whole cafeteria.

Like shut up with your stupid over-exaggerated sarcasm.

Good thing is this is only for some AP's who just want to destroy us.

So there was this mess between my table and some other table and guess what?

She blamed us on it.

I sure as hell think it was the other table, blaming piece of bullshit.

She's practically telling us that if someone makes a mess, we have to clean it up for them.

You can bet your ass I will, I ain't no goddamn slave.

They make us carry so many things in our backpacks I'm so proud my shoulders are still here with me.

Like when we have a test or something they're like "Hey guys bring your binders or your books home and study."

Bitch if you got money, for my broken back I suggest you stop talking.

I hate when they expect too high of us like shut up, I don't gotta live up to your expectations and do what you want me to do.

The uniforms are fucking ugly as hell, and they make us wear jeans.


In fucking hot weather.

Imma sue somebody.

All the way to the bottom of our feet, below our ankles.

What kind of bullshit is this?

So many things to say about school, ugh I can't wait till I get out.

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