Popular Kids

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I swear it's at first little kids, and then popular kids, like it's all about the kids.

Ugh, they disappoint me greatly.

Ok I get it, you're liked by a lot of people and you're one of the those people who get tons of gifts on their birthday, yada yada yada.

But do you gotta be such a bitch?

Like seriously kids these days always thinking they need the best and to be the best and gain attention, like no boo, go back to your math homework, damn.

Always skipping classes, fighting, doing drugs and shit like that, and then you're gonna be one of those people on the streets begging because guess what?

You're a dumbass, who was a little too late getting a chance back.

Like come on this is middle school, you act like just because you're popular there, you're popular everywhere. Like no that's not how it works.

Heck, you're not even close to even being fAmOuS.

Just shut up and grow up, I seriously don't care who got you the new iPhone X, or your highest streak number on Snapchat.

And then since from ELEMENTARY school.

Let me repeat that again.














Ok thank you.

Are dating from such a young age. Like who gave you the right?? If you can't even do your multiplication tables at that time, then you sure as HELL can't be in a relationship.

Do your parents even care?


One of the main reasons why kids are like this.

They think that just because they're rich and give their kids whatever they want, the kids automatically love them. They think they can go back on their phones or whatever, without giving their kids attention and love.

I swear, there was this one time I went to my cousin's house and she was rich, it was a nice two-story house. They had like 10 dogs and 3 cats.

Lucky as hell.

Anyways, her dad was off from his job and he stayed in.

He gave them breakfast and yada yada yada.

He was on the TV, the whole fucking day.

His kids?

Upstairs, on their phones and watching Logan and Jake Paul videos.


And get this, they were hungry.

Guess why?

Go on.


He hadn't fed them the whole day expect for breakfast which was at 10 in the morning, and now it was like 8 at night.

Can you believe this?

He had a day-off and he didn't even bother to spend time with his kids??

My mom asked him why and he was like "Oh it's because I'm tired, I just didn't want to."

And my mom was so mad, like if you're too tired to make them food then go out and eat at a restaurant, is it that hard??

So their aunt had to make them food, and yeah.

I swear kids these days, seriously piss me off.

While I can't say anything because I'm still a kid. But I don't act like them.

Some popular kids piss me off so bad I seriously want to rip their throat out. And some girls cry for the most dumbest reasons, and act like the world hates them.

Some girls are hypocrites too, like if they start singing loudly and some kids tell her to shut up she's like "Who you talking to?"

But when she tells us to shut up I'm like "Bitch, did you not just hear us telling you to shut up??"

Uhhhh I can't wait till they grow up and mature and realize how fucking idiotic they were back in 6th grade.

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