Romantic Cliches

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I hate when romantic cliches are always the same bullshit every time.

The girl ends up loving the bad boy and he gets all soft on her and mushy and shit.

Other cliches like the boy always gets her stuff and always buys food for her and the girl can't defend herself and the boy always has to, because she's weak af.

Like, seriously some things need to change, I hate that most authors make the same shit and always make the girl the same.

Pathetic, weak, and telling stupid ass lies.

Always when the girl does something she think is right, is actually the most stupidest I've ever seen.

Or when she breaks up with her boy (even though we all know they'll get together again) she feels sad, because the boy ignores and doesn't look her way. She becomes all disappointed an heartbroken, when she's motherfucking the reason he is away in the first place.

Authors seriously need to make some things different in their books and make the girls stronger and not crying for every fucking thing.

And then some books are so confusing and stupid that it pisses me off. I was reading this one book where the girl had a boyfriend, but his best friend liked her and kissed her. But he didn't know they just started dating, and her boyfriend saw and didn't let her explain. Then some shit happened at school, and the boy actually started talking to his best friend again as if nothing happened, and bullshit that is too much to explain, but yeah.

I probably made no sense but oh well.


Ugh idek anymore, smh I give up trying to help and not get triggered when I read the same shit.

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