"Because you ruined my life already, I don't want you making it worse."

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I'm in love with Finn Wolfhard...

I realise that I can't be in love with this boy, he hates me! I'm meant to hate him.

"Why do you care? You hate me" I ask
"Oh my god Y/N! I'm trying to actually be the friends we're meant to be!"
"Oh, well thank you but umm.... I've gotta go?" I said feeling my legs go number by the minute. Just looking at him makes me want to be sick again( in a good way)
I walk out and he storms out after me. I run crying to Sophia. Shit, she doesn't know about my feelings for Finn. I've felt like this for years now, just recently I've realised I need him and I'm in love with him.
"Soph, can we ur, go please?"
"Yeah sure? Are you okay? You look like you've been crying?" I look over at Finn kissing this girl and I look back at Soph.
"I'll tell you on the way home"
Me and Sophia get back to the car, she drives and I sit curled up in the passenger seat, I explain everything.
"Honey, you'll be okay. You'll get over him or he'll understand his feelings do you eventually, that's why he asked if you were okay." She assured me. If he asked if I was okay because he felt the same about me, why was he on a date with another girl? I get lost in my thoughts and before I know it, we're at my house. I don't want to go home, I want to stay with Sophia. By the looks of it no one's home. Andrew's probably at college still. I shrug it off and ask;
"Hey, wanna stay at mine?"
"Yeah, sure, my mom's out of town all week so I don't need to ask"
We walk inside and I turn on the lights, I didn't have to unlock the door which was odd, I open up the door and see Finn, with bruises everywhere.
"Finn are you okay?" I ask. I run to him and he falls into my arms
"The girl, who I was with, she used me, and she... got her boyfriend to beat me up" I felt so bad.
"What a whore" I hear Sophia say
"Aha, where does it hurt?"
He points to his scratched face and his black eye, his legs and his left arm. I tell Sophia to run and get my first aid kit, I clean Finn's cuts and I put numbing pain on his bruises so he doesn't feel anything for a few hours. He gets up and tries to leave but falls back down on the sofa again,
"You wanna just stay here? I have a spear bedroom?"
"Will that be okay?"
"Of course!" I show him where his room is and I help him down into his bed,
"Um.. what will we do about my clothes? They aren't really comfortable to sleep in?"
I blush and Sophia wriggled her eyebrows at me and goes to my room,
"Um what do you want me to do?"
"Can you help? It's okay if you don't wanna...."
"No! I'll help you..... I mean I won't mind?" I blush like crazy now and he goes slightly pink.
I help him take off his jeans and he takes off his top, he still looks at me, I try to avoid eye contact.
"What's wrong?" I ask him
"I can't sleep in my boxers can I?"
"You can't sleep naked! Not when you need my help to get you undressed"
"Fine,but at least stay?" Wait.... he's drunk how did I not know? He's acting nice and now he wants me to strip him naked and stay in bed with him.
"You're drunk Finn, and Sophia is waiting. I'll see you in the morning" and with that he rolled over, kinda upset, and went to sleep.
~time skip to he morning~ I'm lazy
I wake up to a Sophia next to me and Finn on the floor. Wait, FINN ON THE FLOOR!? Sophia can't see him, she'll think I invited him in. I gently wake him up. He's wearing my brothers clothes, I guess he found them,he must have been cold.He looks around confused and then realises,I think, what happened last night. He flops his had back down into the pillow and I walk down stairs to get him some water and a berroca. So he can feel better. When I come back up I see he's in the spare room again now, he's in the shower so I leave the water and his tablets on the side. I do t actually know the time so I check my phone. 11:47am, I'll wake up Sophia. I wake her up and she doesn't seem happy.
"What's wrong?"
"I had a dream"
"Everyone I loved dying, brutally, Infront of me and I couldn't help any of you"
"Nawe, Soph, I'm so sorry"
We share a long embrace before we're interrupted by Finn clearing his throat
"Y/n can I have a word please?"
"Yeah sure"
Sophia leaves to go to her house and change and stuff.
"Hey, you feeling any better?" I ask
"Yeah, thanks. How come you helped me?"
"How come you helped me, let me sleep here, give me stuff for my hangover?"
"Oh it was nothing"
"Good, well um, please don't tell anyone this especially my friends, they know I hate you" those words felt like 10 million bees stinging into my chest.I hate you
"Oh, um, how come? Like can't I tell my mates?"
"No" he says sturnly
"Because you ruined my life already, I don't want you making it worse." And with that he storms out the house. I run up to my room and cry and cry and cry. The doorbell rings and I don't care at this point what I look like, it will only be Sophia.
It was Finn
"I'm here for my clothes form yesterday." He says with no emotion
"Spare bedroom" is sniffle (dk if it's a word but it is now xD)
He walks past me and gets his stuff
"And one more thing"
With that he punches my left arm, laughs and runs away. He did this when we were 7, he stopped when we were 9 because he got stronger then me and it really hurt. He would bruise me and mom thought I was being bullied.
I walk back upstairs holding my arm. I look at it in the mirror
"That's another bruise" I say to my self
And with that, Sophia barges in
"Sup, fucker!"
"Hey Soph."
"Hey, you o- what's wrong!? Why are you crying!? Who do I need to kill?" She says so seriously I'm scared she isn't joking. A sigh of relief falls from my mouth when she chuckles at my reaction,
"You know Finn? You know I'm sensitive, he said he hates me and that I ruined his life"
"I'm gonna kill him, I swear to g-"
I pull Sophia into an unexpected hug and she shuts up. The rest of the day we just sit and watch Netflix.

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