"What's your problem?" "You don't feel the same way I do" "Maybe i do"

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So my deadass forgot to update this book last night so here it is x

Finn came into my room holding....

A gun.

I'm joking , he came in holding a giant teddy bear, a box of chocolate , my favourite films( horror, if you don't like them, just think of one) Sophia saw what he was doing and she made up the worst excuse to leave, she said she left something at her house, she's been here for weeks now, honestly the worst excuse she's ever came up with. Ever.

"Hey, y/n can we talk?"
"Yeah I guess"
"I'm so sorry for being nice to you one minute and the next shouting stuff at you, I don't know what's wrong with my bipolar ass"
"Got that right" I laughed
"Thanks," i say bluntly
Finn just tuts at me and looks at the gifts he has in his hands.
"What's your problem ?"
"You don't feel the same way I do"
"Maybe I do"
I lean in to his chiselled face and he does the same. Soon our lips are touching and I can feel the butterflies in my stomach going crazy, sparks are flying all around us and time's stopped with only me and him left in the world. After another 5 seconds he pulls away.
"I'm so sorry I shouldn't have done that I don't know what came over me, I'm so sorr-" he cut me off with a cute little peck on the lips.
"Sorry, again"
" it's okay, y/n"
"What did you have planned for us to do ?" I ask
"Watch movies and snuggle?"
"Snuggle" I chuckled Finn knowing I'm not a sappy romance lover.
He cuddles up next to me and we sit down and eat the chocolates he got me and watch fav horror movie. Half way through, I feel my eyelids getting heavy, I go to the bathroom to get changed into a vest top( tank top I think) and short shorts. Finn's wearing just his boxers. I blush as his toned stomach and he smirks as a remark back at me for staring. I get under my duvet with him and fall asleep with a smile on my face knowing Finn feels the same way I do.
"Goodnight Princess"
"Goodnight Finny"

A/n well that sucks :/

Time skip to the morning. Since it's the holidays I wake up to Finn holding me in a tight embrace from last night. I smile to myself as I look at his loose curls falling over his freckled chiselled face( idk if that even made sense 😂) I reach for my phone

Missed calls from Soph💖 (32)
Voicemails from Soph💖(12)
Text messages from Soph💖(167)
Snapchat: BestMate🤞🏻💕 (89)
(I know Snapchat doesn't do that but it fits in better :/ )

I finally get out of Finn's strong arms and instantly feel cold. Fuck. ( not a Christian server) I call Sophia, before she kills me
It rung once and she picked up
💕- y/n.  ✨-Sophia

✨- What the fuck y/n ! I let you and Finn have some alone time and you don't text me or call back with details until this time! I am ashamed in you

💕- I'm so sorry Soph, I only just managed to get off of him, he held me pretty tight. And I woke up like 15 minutes ago
(noticing the time saying 3:14pm on the aesthetically pleasing vintage clock.)

✨-It's okay, I'll be over in 30 minutes okay?

💕- Okay but don't expect Finn to be gone, I'm just going to leave him until he wakes up. See you soon Soph, love you

✨- I love you too, brat

She hangs up and I sit down waiting for her, I don't need to dress up, she's seen me leaking everywhere in my period for fuck sake.

A/n I'm so shitttyyy, I forgot to update. And sorry this one sucks, I have good plans for next update. I'm going to my sisters again Friday - Sunday before school starts. So I might update there. Is about 4 hours away.

Bye loves ❤️

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