"Hey, you alright?"

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Me and Soph and Finn decided to go the cinema to watch the new truth or dare film that showed at 11. I'm so excited. Finn said I'd shit my pants but I don't mind really. It would maybe get us more closer. Me and Soph were stupid and didn't bring jackets. So we were freezing. Finn didn't want to give me his jumper to make Soph feel left out? Nah like the third wheel? I guess. So we finally got there and ordered a large popcorn for all of us to share. Finn wanted me to sit by him and Soph wanted me to sit by her so sat in the middle. The film wasn't that bad.( not going to ruin it because some of you might not have watched it)

Time skip to the plane.

Me Soph and Finn get there. I have 4 bags, Soph has 5 and Finn also have 4. Soph only has one more bag because she couldn't fit all of her girly skincare routine and toiletries in there. My phone makes a noise that startled me as it was silent because it was pretty early in the morning. Shit! I'm starting my period today! I don't have anything and Soph isn't on till another 3 weeks. Fuckkkk
"Soph, can I speak to you?"
"Finn has his headphones in anyway, go on?" She points to Finn.
"I'm gonna start my period today but I don't have anything. I totally forgot, and I'm not spending 20 pounds on some pads!?" I nearly shout
Finn all of a sudden gets up and goes out of sight.
"Maybe you should explain to the lady behind the till and ask if you can pay for one or 2? Just until we get there. Maybe that might help?"
I get up and realise I'm going in the same direction as Finn went. Huh, I then see him coming back with some pads and some chocolate.
"Hey, heard your conversation with Sophia, here." He hands me them.
"Thank you so much! You didn't have to , I was about to get my own!" I hug him tightly
"It's fine, bad enough you going through that. Those things are expensive,man" he responded still our embrace. He lets go.
"Thank you, again"
"It's okay honestly, looks like the plane's gonna board soon, let's go back to Soph" he suggests and we join Soph in the queue for the plane after getting our luggage. It comes to the point where we have to get out our tickets. I look for mind and I can't find it.ffs. I look at Finn and he pulls out mine and his. Thank god for this boy! I jump and fist pump the air and run down the corridor onto the plane. Finn shortly follows after Soph. The plane seats we got were in a 4 with a table in the middle, Finn sat by the window and me and Soph sat on the other side. Me by the window also. Bad mistake I panic so much when flying. This is horrible. I begin to feel sick and Finn notices as Sophia is watching Finding Dory? Seriously.
"Hey,you alright?" Finn's asks with Worry in his eyes.
"Not good with flying really."I nervously laugh and grip onto my seat real tight until it all goes black...

Dw! You don't die! But this sucks because I have to do revision as it's only 21 fucking sleeps until exams! Yay.... enjoy this crap chapter

Love yall x❤️

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