"Stay away from me Wolfhard" "You know you still love me"

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1 week later~
Y/n pov

It's been a few days and Finn has brought home a total of 14 girls, I haven't been keeping count or anything...
Anyway, because of him bringing home girls I've been locked in my room being depressed because he said he loved me and said he had feelings for me and he does this to me. This would be a great time for a mother-daughter chat.
"Come on" he says trying to get me out of my bed
"Stay away from me Wolfhard" I say bluntly
"You know you still love me"
"No I don't, not anymore"
"What, why?" He looks at me with such hurt eyes I almost feel bad for what I said, because I still love him.
"Because you bring back 3 girls a day Finn! How can you admit your feelings for me and then do this to me?"
"I...i I just needed someone"
"You could have come to me instead of any old slag that wants you because you're famous"
"They aren't slags Y/n!"
"Mm Kay"
"Fuck this, im trying to be nice to you?"
"Well it isn't working is it?"
"I guess not"
He walks back over to his bed, DAMN my cramps are bad. I look down to see if I've leaked on the white sheets( as every girl does this right?) shit. I've leaked a lot.
"Where's Soph?"
"Down stairs in the lobby why?"
"Just having some....problems"
"I'll be back"
I walk out the door, and walk down to see Soph drinking some coffee on a cute little table in the lobby.
"Hi Soph, I need help."
"What's happened?"
"I leaked, and Finn's in the room so I don't know what to do?" I whisper
She puts down her coffee and follows me up the lift, why does my period have to be so weird? I'm not even on till next week. Ugh.
We walk in to see Finn changing the sheets on my bed. My face heats up with embarrassment
"I uh, changed your sheets for you. I hope you don't mind"
"It's fine, thank you" I manage to spit out.

A/n this is shitty and whatever but I needed a scenario where Finn was being nice again, and your girls bleeding out of her Vagina so you can too. If you're disgusted, get a grip.

Sorry it's so short! Enjoy hoes

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