"I just can't believe she'd post that" " You'll be okay"

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It's been 3 days since Millie left, the rest of the Stranger Things cast left to film, apart from Finn, he's not in it as much, he only leaves every now and then. I haven't been on my social media at all, but my phone's been blowing up. I'm too scared to look at it. Finn and Sophia looked at it yesterday, and said I had hundreds of message requests and I now have 16k followers. I don't even understand why she'd post it, yeah I understand that it's just a picture of hickeys, but it shows mine and Finn's face, and he's holding me around my waist. I'm too scared about my phone so I go to distract myself and buy some ice cream from the shop, bad idea omg what a dumb hoe. I was being surrounded scratched at punched at, everyone was just mauling at me. I ran home after getting my ice cream and walk straight to my room so the others don't see me. I walk up to the mirror, 3 bruises coming and 7 little scratches and a bite makes? Oh my god
"Hey y/n, you okay?" I hear Finn say. I'm so glad to hear his voice again, it's just been silence around the house these past days without Me speaking which was odd,
"Yeah, fine thanks"
"What's up then? Why aren't you coming out of your room? We all miss you, ya know" he says his voice erring more shaky like he's on the urge of tears. Before I know it I fling open the door and wrap my arms around his body and hear his whimpers.
"Why are you crying ?" I rub my hands over his cheeks and his tears away.
"You, you don't deserve all of the shit you're getting, if it makes you feel better, Millie isn't getting fired from stranger things, because she's such a big character but she's been fired from 3 up coming movies and 2 new series. You don't deserve this, I love you"
"I.. I love you too Finn" we lean in and kiss, and I SWEAR THESE DAMN BUTTERFLIES, it's weird though, how just a few months ago we hated eachother, and now we're.. we're what? We haven't confirmed anything.
"What are we?" He grabs my hand as we walk down the halls.
I smile at him and he smiles back, it was around lunch so we decided to order something from dominoes , ( YOUR GIRLS HUNGRY ATM SO) and it came quite quick, the rest of the day, Finn was in the girls night as the others didn't mind.

I'm tired and you want an update so here you go. Honestly though I need a help line these exams are killing me I have no sleep left in me at all and coffee isn't working anymore :)

-Emelia x

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