C h a p t e r 11

357 19 2

Jun was talking again today.

He seemed happier but I could tell he wasn't.

That was when I noticed that the hoodie he was wearing that day, had longer sleeves than others he had worn before.

"Jun..." As I called his name my hands slowly inched towards his arm.

He seemed to stiffen up. Knowing what I was about to do and slowly backed away.

"Please don't avoid me... I promise I won't think differently of you."

"Do you promise?" His voice seemed raw. Almost like he was on the brink of crying.

I nodded before reaching out and slowly pulling up his sleeve. Making sure to check his face, to see if he changed his mind.

I gasp at the sight. There were numerous cuts along his wrist. Not to mention numerous bruises up his arm.

-And from what I could tell, there were way too many bruises for them to have been self-inflicted.

"Jun..." I bite my lip to stop myself from crying infront of him.

He was about to say something but I cut him off by pulling him into my arms.

His shoulders start shaking as he lightly cries into my shoulder.

"It's okay I'm here." I say as I rub circles onto his back. "You're not alone."

He eventually pulls away and smiles lightly.

"Thank you..."

I smile at him before pulling a bracelet off of my wrist.

I then slide it onto his and tighten it up so that it doesn't slip off.

"It's not much but at least it covers them."

He smiles again and pulls me into another hug.

Ukulele Boy | JunhuiWhere stories live. Discover now