C h a p t e r 32

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Jun rushed as best he could towards his house. Which wasn't very fast considering he still had injuries and had to stop every few seconds for a breathe.

That was when he ploughed someone down to the ground.

Upon standing up and helping the other boy who he now recognised as Yoona's friend Minghao he noticed a large baseball bat in Minhao's right hand.

"You!" Jun ambushes Minghao, grabbing him by the shoulders.

"Me?" Minghao questions, fearful for his life at this current time.

"Follow me now." Jun practically screeches, shaking Minghao by the shoulders.

Minghao managed to pry Jun's thingers from the vice like grip Jun had on his shoulders and took a step back.

"Why do I need to follow you?" Minghao asks skeptically.

Jun was practically pulling his hair out at this point.

"If you don't follow me Yoona might not be breathing tomorrow."

That was all it took for Minghao to snap into actaion, raising his bat as if ready to swing.

"Lead the way." Jun nodded his head at what Minghao said and takes the lead, still slightly limping but determined as ever.

Ukulele Boy | JunhuiWhere stories live. Discover now