C h a p t e r 26

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Jun watched as Yoona ran around her room, sorting it out for them to share.

He found it amusing that she went this far to make him feel welcome.

She finished by neatly setting a sleeping bag and numerous amounts of blankets and pillows on the floor.

She marvelled at her work, nodding to herself and Jun couldn't help but smile. Everything she did just made him happy.

"I hope this is okay..." She trails off gesturing to the sleeping bag.

"It's perfect." He says, again, for the 12th time today.

"I'll pick up your clothes tomorrow if your dad's not around." Jun wanted to tell her not to go anywhere near there, the thought of her possibly getting hurt pained him to think about however he knew she would still go.

"I can go with you."

"No!" She suddenly blurts out. "I mean... You need to stay here and get your rest, which means missing school."

"Just be careful then."

"Of course."

He smiled again.

Things were looking up for Jun.

Ukulele Boy | JunhuiDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora