C h a p t e r 34

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After Minghao had knocked Jun's dad out they had called the emergency services.

Of course he was immediately arrested whilst the ambulance had taken Jun, Minghao and Yoona to the hospital. Although Minghao had protested saying he was perfectly fine they had insisted saying it was just protocol to give him a check up.

This lead up to the current time where Jun was sat next to Yoona's hospital bed, new bandages wrapped around him.

Minghao had gone on a walk to clear his head and although Jun had been told he could go home. Plus he wasn't leaving until Yoona left with him.

She layed motionless in her bed, small movements being the only thing to signify she was still breathing.

The corners of his mouth tilted up as he took her hands in his, lightly squeezing.

The doctors told him that she wasn't aware of anything going on around her but he was sure. Sure that she could and that she would wake up soon.

"What're you doing to me?" He whispered, moving a strand of hair from her face that had slipped.

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