C h a p t e r 24

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Jun silently observed as they approached a small quaint house that was not too far from school.

Yoona offered him a small smile before they reached the front door.

She helped him sit against the wall before getting a set of keys from her bag and opening the door.

She pushed it open before helping Jun through once again and closing it behind them.

"Yoona is that you?" A frail voice called from upstairs. Jun raised his eyebrows.

Yoona looked panicked for a moment before turning to Jun.

"Sit on the sofa, I'll be back in a minute." She then threw her bag into a cupboard that was next to the door and raced upstairs.

Jun watched her go before limping over to the sofa and slouching down, breathing out a sign of relief to finally be able to sit down again.

Whilst Yoona was upstairs he took the time to examine the room.

There wasn't much in it, just the basics like a sofa, one arm chair and a basic mantelpiece and stood off to the side. It had one, lonely picture sat on it, dust gathering on the top.

Curiosity took the better of him and he heaved himself up again, hobbling closer to get a better look.

A woman, man and girl were there. Presumably parents and their daughter. Their heads were tipped back in laughter, toothy grins all took over their faces. They seemed to be stood in front of a cherry blossom tree, he could barely recognize it as the now huge tree and layed in the park which was close by.

He ran his fingers over the small girl, who was on the mans back.

Was this Yoona and her parents?

He couldn't ponder over it for long as he heared the frail voice again, slightly louder, talking to Yoona.

"Well bring him up then."

Jun quickly stumbled as he rushed, as fast as he could with his new injuries, to the sofa. Sitting on it as if he hadn't just been stalking through her belongings.

He had just managed to sit down before Yoona appeared in the doorway.

"My mum wants to meet you." She smiled but he could see through the smile that something was wrong.

He'd be sure to ask about that later.

With the help of Yoona, they somehow managed to maneuver up the stairs together without falling or tripping.

She then took the lead, still helping him and lead him towards a small room, at far end of the corridor.

She seemed to hesitate for a moment but he grabbed her hand in reassurance.

"I'm not one to judge," He tells her "Besides, it can't be worse than my situation."

Yoona nodded lightly before pushing the door open.

It was dark due to the closed curtains but he could just make out a form in the bed. On further inspection he realized it was an older version of the woman from the picture.

He realized he hadn't said anything and stumbled.

He barley managed a bow due to his injuries and bandages wrapped around his stomach.

"I'm Jun. Glad to be in your presence Mrs-"

"Just call me Teresa," she interrupted him before containing "I've heared all about you."

Yoona wheezed in the background, presumably choking on her breathe.

"Thank you Teresa." It sounded weird saying the name rather than honorifics however he would still call her by that name. The fact that Yoona had also talked about him made him blush.

"You're welcome to stay here as long as you need." She stated whilst smiling, "You won't have to deal with that anymore. Not as long as I'm still breathing." She contradicted herself as she coughed after saying that. Clearly, she had some sort of illness.

"You don't have to burden yourself with me," He went to protest. "I'll just try earn enough money and buy myself a small apartment."

"Nonsense boy! Stay here, I don't care how long for because if Yoona trusts you then I can too. She has very good judgement," The woman smiled once again. "Plus I can see something more here." She winked at Jun and Yoona, both of them retaliating.

"I'll just show him the room." Yoona stuttered before quickly walking out, hiding her red face behind her long hair. Leaving Jun to help himself out.

"Thank you Teresa." He thanks her again attempting to bow, failing and shaking his head before hobbling, out following Yoona.

The woman laughs softly along with light coughs as she watches them, reminiscing back to when she was their age.

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