C h a p t e r 27

282 11 0

School was quiet today.

Without Jun it felt like part of me wasn't there.

I had of course made him stay at home to rest. He still couldn't move properly without grunting in pain.

I sighed for the tenth time today.

"Yoona I swear to God if you don't stop sighing I will duck-tape you to a tree and tickle you until you pass out." Minghao, my friend moaned.

I recoiled in fake shock, pressing a hand to my heart.

"You do that and I'll shave your hair off."

He gasped and pulled his hood up, attempting to save it.

"Yah! What's wrong anyway? You ditched us and suddenly come back." He pouts, looking at me.

A smile graces my lips and I look down, making my hair fall over my face as I blush.

At this Minghao gasps.

"Did our baby Yoona fall in love?" He cooes.

I slowly look up to him. Suddenly feeling like I was having a hangover and my reactions had been slown down.

"Maybe." I smiled as I lightly traced 'Jun' on the dirty, wooden planks of the bench.

Minghao lightly laughed.

"Finally! I knew there was something going on between you and that Ukulele Boy that you started hanging out with.

"He's so much more than just a Ukulele Boy."

Ukulele Boy | JunhuiWhere stories live. Discover now