C h a p t e r 29

287 10 0

I waved bye to Minghao before he turned down his road.

We had been walking home together.

What he didn't know was that I wasn't heading home.

I was just heading in the same direction.

Oh well. It was better if he didn't know.

I eventually reached the house and looked into the garden. The smashed remains of the ukulele were still on the floor however Jun's dad wasn't.

I felt the hairs on my neck stand on end as I slowly trudged down the garden. The foreboding getting worse and worse.

The only thing to be heared were my short breathes and the sound of shoes hitting concrete.

I reached the discards of the ukulele and gently lent down on my knees, gathering all of the pieces into my bag.

I'd try to fix it later. I know how much this ukulele meant to him.

Sighing, I stood up and faced the house again.

If possible it looked worse than before. Maybe now that the only good person who was living there left, it wasn't a home anymore.

Pushing the door open I stepped inside. It creaked open, as if it was trying to warn me. 

Clearly Jun's dad didn't have a sense of privacy.

The house had a strong stench of alcohol.

Which wasn't surprising considering empty bottles scattered the floor.

A sour look took over my face as I covered my nose to try block out the smell.

I had to be careful as Jun's dad could still be slinking around somewhere.

Pushing that thought to the back of my head I took off, searching the house for anything that could belong to Jun.

The first room I came across was the Living room. Inside was a simple sofa and TV however it looked like it hadn't been used in a good few years.  Which was further proven by the layer of dust across the screen.

I sighed,  walking out. It wasn't worth pondering over. If it was important Jun would eventually tell me.

Whilst walking up the stairs I took note of the fact that it was deadly silent, except for the creak of my feet.

Once I reached the top I took note of three room. One being the bathroom which was obvious due to the door hanging open however the other two would be harder.

I barely spared the bathroom a second glance as I stepped towards the two other doors.

One must be Jun's room and the other his dad.

There was no way to tell them apart as they had no clear distinctions.

I muttered out  a light curse word before kneeling down, inspecting the door.

On closer inspection I could see one door had slight dents, and had odd stains. I cringed before touching it and sniffing my thingers.

It was clearly alchol. This must be Jun's room.

Why else would there be stains on it? His dad wouldn't waste his 'precious alchol' on throwing it at his own door.

Standing up, I walked straight to the door, grabbing the handle.

Here goes nothing.

Ukulele Boy | JunhuiWhere stories live. Discover now