C h a p t e r 21

302 14 0

I'd been following Jun for a while now.

He was going towards the part of town no one liked to talk about.

Luckily Jun hadn't noticed me yet.

Of course I was wearing my hood up and hid behind walls and lamp posts.

Probably looking like a stalker to passers-by.

Well I am one! I'm doing it right now.

I ignore my thoughts and hide as Jun rounds a corner, walking into a garden.

This is where he lives?

The garden looked like it hasn't been cut in years and has also had a depressing feel to it. The house seemed to droop in on its self.

I watched as a man who was waiting outside the door snatched the ukulele off him.

They then started screaming at each other and it looked like Jun had the upper hand until the man smashes his ukulele on the side of a wall.

Gasping, I take a step back.

Is this where he gets all those bruises and scars from?

A smacking sound snaps me out of my thoughts and I turn to see Jun on the ground, the man above him, punching him continuously.

Something in me snapped, I promised I wouldn't let anything else hurt Jun and I intended on keeping that promise.

"HEY!" I hollared out.

The man turned to me.

Kicking Jun's body a few times before getting up and walking towards me, raising a fist covered in Jun's blood.

"What do you want?" He asks, clearly wanting me to get lost.

"Leave Jun alone!" I yell, my voice wavering.

He arches an eyebrow in a threatening way. Almost teasing me.

"Jun doesn't have any friends. So who're you?"

"His best friend."

"Please, admit it. You only care out of pity. Why else would you? He's a useless waste of oxygen."

As he'd been speaking I had discreetly been edging my way closer to him.

At this point I was around five feet away from him.

"Just let me finish him off, it'll benefit the world. Less junk just lying around."

My fist trembled with rage.

He was about to open his mouth to say something else but I cut him off.

My fist swung forward. So fast you wouldn't have been able to react.

It knocked him straight in the face and he fell to the ground immediately.

He attempted to get up again but I didn't plan on letting him walk for weeks.

I kicked him continuously until he fell un-conscience.

And I probably would have continued if Jun's quiet moaning in the background didn't stop me.

I knelt beside Jun and rest my head head on top of his chest. He luckily still had a pulse.

My head would also rise and fall occasionally, signalling he was still breathing.

But at an un-natural rate.

"Jun." I whispered.

He didn't respond but I could still feel his un-even breathing.

I angled myself to his side and quickly moved his body into the recovery position.

"Jun..." My voice was cracking.

"You have to wake up."

He didn't respond again.

I glanced wearily behind me, fearing the man would wake up. He never did though.

Jun looked so peaceful laying unconscious.

Yet with the blood leaking down his face, you could say otherwise.

I held his head, gently in my hands.

Slowly, I guided my head down.

My lips touched his as I gently kissed him.

It must've only lasted seconds but to me it felt like years.

I closed my eyes and layed my head back down on his chest.

The only sounds to be heared were his heavy breathing and my quite weeping.

Ukulele Boy | JunhuiDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora