C h a p t e r 31

283 10 0

The door swung open as I ran in, arms raised, ready to wack anything that move.

Luckily nothing did.

I gasped out, relieved and walked in, dumping my bag onto his bed.

Although the ukulele remains were in there I still had a bit of space for anything of Jun's  that I could grab, so that's what I did.

First thing I went for was his wardrobe.

Which was probably the most important thing considering he couldn't wear mine or my mum's. I grabbed the better quality clothes I could find.

The next thing I didn't even look at whilst piled it into my bag.

Puffing out, I took another glance around the room.

There wasn't much, just the basic furniture however on his side bed there was a photo frame.

Inside was a picture of  two boys, one of them looking like a slightly younger Jun the other perhaps a brother. They had huge, toothy grins on their faces. Next to them stood a woman, possibly a mother. She had an arm around each boy and also had had a similar smile to them.

I smiled, tracing the happy family before looking around and gently slipping it into my bag.

Just as I sat down on his bed to rest for a second I hear a crinkling sound.


I stood up, off the bed and lifted up the mattress. Underneath there was an envelope which had already been opened.

I shook my head, putting that in. Once that was in I fixed the mattress and zipped up my bag.

I quickly layed it on my back before standing up, heading towards the door.

Unfortunately, that was the exact moment my phone went off.

I had made the mistake of leaving it on.

I squeezed my eyes shut as a shrill, high pitched noise echoed around the house.

"Look's like we have a little scavenger." The same voice I recognised from yesterday.

There he stood at the entrance to the room, blocking the only way out.

Only thing was today he wasn't drunk.

Ukulele Boy | JunhuiWhere stories live. Discover now