C h a p t e r 13

357 21 0

It was raining today. Everyone was inside, not wanting to get wet.

I tried looking Jun but couldn't find him anywhere.

'He couldn't possibly be outside?'

I pushed my face up against the cafeteria window and wiped away the condensation.

He was there.

Sat under his tree.

Playing his ukulele in the rain however today he was singing along.

It looked like something out of a fairytale.

He even wore a large, toothy smile on his face, not giving a care in the world to the fact that rain droplets were running down his forehead.

I immediately ran out of the cafeteria, my friends calling after me.

But I didn't care.

My feet pounded against the wet grass as I ran to Jun who hadn't noticed me.

"I'll know uh ,you were my future
I'll know uh ,I was your yesterday"

I stood mesmorised for a second. He had the voice of an angel.

Why didn't he sing more often?

I snapped out of my thoughts when I remembered why I was here.

"YAH! Jun!"

The ukulele made a 'twang' sound as he missed his strum and he looked up.

"Jun, why are you out here in the rain?"

He didn't reply.

"Please come inside. You could catch a cold if you stay out here."

He still didn't reply.

"If you're not going in then I'm staying here with you."

I then say sat down cross legged opposite him.

This is when he spoke.

"But then you might catch a cold too..."

"That doesn't matter. I'm more worried about you than myself, so you can suck it up like a vacuum and deal with it becuase I'm not moving."

I crossed my arms in defiance for further prove my point.

A light blush dusted Jun' s face.

"Okay. But please come further under the tree. You're already soaked."

I obliged and moved so I was sat next to him.

Silence consumed us. But not the awkward kind. It was peaceful and relaxing.

"Jun, can you play me a song?"

His face contorted as he looked down at the ukulele in his arms.

He looked like he was going to say yes but suddenly backed out.

"May- maybe tomorrow."

"Okay! I'll be waiting." I gave him another toothy grin before we both went back into silence.

By the time the bell went we were both shivering.

I wasn't sure if it was purposely or not but by then our legs, arms and shoulders were touching.

Perhaps just human instinct to keep warm.

Jun stood up first and before I could say anything, took of his hoodie and placed it over my soaking hair.

I took the time to notice that the bracelet I gave him was still on his wrist.

He kept it.

I smiled happily and walked with him towards the school building.

Only thing is he never asked for his hoodie back.

Ukulele Boy | JunhuiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora