C h a p t e r 37

321 16 2

I ran with Jun along the stone path of the park. He stuck his tongue out at me as he raced behind, pushing my mum's wheelchair with him. 

We soon reached the tree and I giggled as I hid behind it. 

I could hear Jun gasping for breathe from behind the trunk and I moved around, concealing myself even more.

"Alright, I'm just gonna go find someone to take our picture." My mum wheeled herself to a nearby man and I giggled once again, trying to hide myself from Jun,

"Now, I wonder where Yoona is hiding." I press my hand to my face, concealing another laugh as I circle around the tree.

Checking behind myself I walk forward only to crash into a warm chest.

"Found you." 

Arms wrap around my waist and I scream as he lifts me up, swinging us both around in a circle.

"Stop it! I'm going to be sick!" He puts me down but doesn't let me go, keeping his arms around me, hugging me to his chest as if I were a pillow.

Wrapping my own arms around him I rest my head on his chest. Nothing else in that moment mattered except him. 

The serene moment is interrupted by my mum who wheels back over, closely followed by a girl.

"Alright. Everyone under the tree!" Jun and I laugh at my mum's bossy behavior as he holds my hand, pulling me over to the tree that my mum was waiting for us under.

"Okay." The girl holds up our camera and signals to get ready.

"You have a blossom in your hair." I blink in surprise, reaching up to swat it out.

"Stop you're messing up your hair. I'll get it out for you." My cheeks heat up as his hands come up and pull the petal out.

"You know..." I whisper to Jun, leaning against him due to his height advantage over me. "Once we take this picture my mum will drag you into our tradition,"

"I wouldn't have it any other way." He smirks. "Although maybe ne-

I interrupt him, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him towards me. he let's out a gasp of surprise before wrapping his arms around my waist.

Our lips fit together perfectly and I feel my face heating up as his hands travel up my body to my face, cupping it.

The camera flashes and we slowly pull apart. 

"If we get to do that every year then this tradition won't be a problem at all." I giggle as I peck his lips with another kiss before running after my mum who had went to thank the lady.

My mum copes at the picture, commenting on how the lady had captured the perfect moment.

I step back in embarrassment, walking back to Jun who was a blushing mess under the tree.

"My mum's going to make fun of us forever because of that." I whisper, leaning into his side as I watch mum glance at the tree, a fond look on her face.

"Well it's a good thing I'm going to love you forever." 

"Forever." This time it's him who pulls me into a kiss.

Ukulele Boy | JunhuiDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora