Chapter Eighteen | Major Setbacks

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Chapter Eighteen | Major Setbacks


Being at this hospital at 4 o'clock in the morning was not a good feeling. I was sitting in one of these uncomfortable ass waiting chairs, patiently waiting on some results just like everyone else in the over-crowded area. Everyone's face expressed nothing but sadness. The air was thick in the small section of the hospital as we awaited news. As much as I hated hospitals, I knew I had to hold myself together for my best friend's sake.

Yeah, if you haven't guessed it already, something happened last night where Trent had taken a bullet. I hadn't got much details yet, but all I was told is that he was shot and rushed here. Andre had a couple of bruises too, but nothing as bad as a gun wound thank God. I wanted to ask him about them, but I decided against it because of the situation we were in right now. It would just be saved for a later date, because I would find out sooner or later.

"Paris, are you okay ?" I asked while looking at her with a worried expression. I knew she cared hell of a lot for Trent, so I knew she would take the news hard. A stray tear slipped from her eye, but she quickly wiped it away so that I wouldn't notice. She wasn't an emotional female like me, so she tried her best to hide all of her feelings from people. I had learned to read her like a book over time.

"I'm okay." she muttered and continued to stare up at the ceiling with a blank expression on her face. I could tell she didn't want to talk and I understood that.

My girl was hurting badly, I couldn't blame her either. If Andre was ever in the position thar Trent is in right now, I would feel the same way about it as she does. Of course I would be in tears though, while she's holding everything back like he strong girl she always was.

"He's gonna' be okay Paris. You know he's going to pull through whatever it is." I tried comforting her, but she didn't even respond back to me. I sighed and sat back in my chair as I tapped my foot along the floor. I knew my words didn't really mean anything, until it actually happened. I hope I was right and that Trent would indeed pull through. I love Trent, but Paris & Andre loves him way more, so I don't know what they would do if something tragic was to happen to him. I didn't even want to think about it the aftermath.

My eyes wandered around the room, searching for Andre. I wanted to know how he was holding up & to be there to comfort him. I hadn't talked to, or seen him since I've been here. He's been missing in action the whole time and nobody knew where he's been hiding at for this long. I was determined to find out though and I knew just the person to ask about it.

I decided to go over to his little brother Aaron and ask to see if he knew. Andre's mom was here along with Trent's mother as well. She was crying her eyes out, I felt so bad for her. I had to look away quickly to keep myself for crying for her. Seeing people so torn doesn't sit well with me and it only results in me being an emotional wreck.

"Hey little man, have you seen your brother around here anywhere?" I asked, bending down so that I was eye level with him. He was sitting down playing a game on his IPhone 5C before he looked up at me. His eyes shot up to mine and he paused the game of Spades he was playing. A slight smile covered his face when he recognized it was only me.

"Nope, I haven't seen him since we got here earlier. He got on the elevator a little after we got here and I haven't seen him since. I don't know where he went though." he said before going back to his game.

I smiled and nodded my head as kissed his cheek. I dug into my pocket and pulled out a crisp twenty dollar bill before stuffing it into his hand.

"Thanks Aaron, you're the best," I said in hopes of boosting his spirits. I got up from my position and headed for the elevator of the hospital. I had to make sure Andre was okay, but first I had to find him in this huge place. This would be the hardest part, or so I thought it would be. It turned out to be rather simple though.

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