2) First day of school

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I woke up the next day with Knight still protecting me like always.

Letting me use him as a head rest just to keep me safe and well care of. I got up easily without waking Knight and got some clothes and bathroom equipment like deodorant, a brush, toothbrush, and toothpaste.

You know everyday equipment you use. First, I told dad that I was off to school and that I would be home maybe around 4 or so.

I raced down to the gym and climbed in through the window with my sneaking in skills it was pretty easy.

I have gotten used to sneaking around so I was quick on my feet.

I took a quick shower and got changed into my favorite purple off shoulder top with a glittery heart shape in the middle of the top and a pair of skinny jeans with my cowgirl boots.

After I brushed my teeth, put on some deodorant and combed my hair I raced to school.

If your late on the first day people start questioning you and I can't really tell them who my parents are considering my biological ones left me and the only family I ever had are wolves who hunt all the time for food.

Also, they may ask how I survive and how they haven't eaten me or anything and how do I understand them blah blah blah.

I don't know about you but who has time for those annoying questions I mean it gives me a headache just thinking about it.

Well, I finally arrived, to Baywatch Academy yeah, I know strange name for a high school well it's school what else do you expect.

Might as well give this rat whole of a place a try before dad decides if or when he says I can drop out to go hunting which I plan to do humans disgust me.

I mean what up with the perky colors and makeup and falling in love are you kidding me.

Nah I rather keep it dark with a pair of hunting shoes and maybe some wolf ears to go with it.

Besides love is weak you will just fall for the wrong guy who will end up breaking your heart sooner or later.

I mean they all want a romance like the book Twilight where a vampire falls in love with a human and will do anything to protect her.

Dude if that stuff was true half the girls here wouldn't be so picky, they just want you to believe that so that you will fall in love and produce the next generation.

With me I rather be living with the wolves forever than fall in love with some weak human who will hurt me later in life.

Im not a human I mean I may seem like it but I'm a wolf all the way I may look like a human and eat like one and blah, blah but the wolf is my true being by heart.

Well might as well find my stupid locker and head to drivers ed.

What really why would I want to drive when I can run faster than any being or climb up on my old motorcycle that the wolves found lying around, I mean I had to get someone to rebuild it but still where's the adventure in driving when you can go around hunting all day.

Well might as well get this prison school day over with. As soon as I put my books in my locker, I headed to my first class with Mr. Wrong I mean really with that last name really kind of feel bad for the guy.

I mean he could misuse or something and a human could say wrong, and he would answer with yes and really, he or she are meaning the question is wrong.

Oh well it's not my problem anyways as soon as I walked in the class and told Mr. Wrong that I was his new student or human more likely whatever these freak people call it.

He assigned me to sit next to a tan skinny tall boy with black like hair and blue eyes he was kind of handsome, but I wasn't going to fall for him and that's my promise I made to myself.

He assigned me to sit next to a tan skinny tall boy with black like hair and blue eyes he was kind of handsome, but I wasn't going to fall for him and that's my promise I made to myself

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