31) finding him

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It's been over a month since Nala died, and we still haven't found the guy who killed her all we know is that he's a rogue who has been working with the shadow clan whose been trying to kill me ever since I was born.

I found out I often stayed at my godmothers for a while until they found a cave or somewhere to keep me hidden because I didn't trigger my wolf side at such a young age, but I barely remember any of it.

Anyways Knight and I was walking through the woods with some of my bodyguards that dad requested because that was the only way he would let me out of the pack house.

I heard some voices that sounded familiar so Knight and I along with my bodyguards began to follow the sound of it until I finally saw who it was.

It was him.

It was the guy who killed Nala the woman who raised me since I was three cause of some stupid war my birth mom and dad were in.

I couldn't believe my eyes I thought we would never find him but now there he was probably scheming his next attack.

As I was about to get closer, I stepped on a twig, and he turned around and noticed me so I quickly sped off and turned in my wolf form so he wouldn't recognize me.

As I reached back to the pack, I transformed back out on some clothes I keep hidden for when I go out for a run and stormed in the house into dad's office I didn't even care if he was having a meeting.

He saw my panicked face and dismissed everyone leaving just us in the office. "What's wrong " he asked me worriedly.

"I found him" I answered still with a panicked face. He knew what I meant as I saw his face turn into a worried look, and he began panicking.

"Then we are going to have to go to war in three days and we need your mother" he said.

"What dad" I replied before he interrupted me. "Madi I get that your upset with her I am too but believe me she would not want to find out your dead by the news or from me she is a warrior she did what she did cause she thought I was dead she had no idea I survived the attack and rather than letting you know your father died she let you believe Alan was your father cause she didn't want you to go through life without a father she was just doing her job you're going to have to forgive her eventually no matter how upset you are with her plus she's stronger than what she looks she will always protect you okay" he said looking me straight in the eye.

"Yeah, dad okay" I said not finding the right words to say. I was alone in my room thinking the war and dad's words over.

I was taking a break from training since dad insisted it.

I thought to myself dad was right I need to make up to Armani she is the only mother I have left and with everything going on I'm going to need her, but I have no idea how to find her.

"I know where you can find her" a voice said interrupting me from my thoughts and I looked up to see who it was and found it to be my best friend.

"Akira hey aren't you supposed to be training with the others" I asked her.

"I'm taking a little lunch break" she answered. I nodded at her and said, "how did you know what I was thinking about".

"It's one of my hidden talents inherited from my mother before she well you know" she answered.

I looked at her and gave her a slight smile with a knowing look.

"Armani is just by the fountain in the forbidden forest or by the waterfall it's where she goes when she's out for a run" she said and I looked up at her and said "thanks".

All she did was smile at me and nodded before leaving the room.

I thought to myself to make sure I was doing the right thing and I was so not wanted to put anyone in danger I opened up my window slid onto the roof closing it carefully behind me and I jumped down without hurting a bone in my body.

I transformed into my wolf and sped off to find Armani or mom I'm still working on it.

I wanted to check the fountain first and to my surprise she was there, and she looked all sad probably because I haven't spoken to her since I found out Micro was my dad and not Alan.

She turned to face me and was in shock when she saw me. She stood up carefully not taking her eyes off of me not even for one second.

I transformed back into my human form exposing my body but at this point I didn't care what I looked like after all she's my mom she doesn't care how I look like she was just glad to see me.

After a few moments of silence and looked at her long messy beautiful hair before focusing back on her pale teary-eyed face and said, "hi mom".

After a few moments of silence and looked at her long messy beautiful hair before focusing back on her pale teary-eyed face and said, "hi mom"

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