In loving paws

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Keith had fallen back when the red lion was sucked into the white, glittering void. He had tried to help Lance as he lost his grip on the controls, but a huge wave of force threw him back, hitting the back of the cockpit hard, wincing when he fell to the floor.
His vision blurred from the impact, and he struggled to look up at the pilot's chair.
Lance was struggling to keep his control of the red lion; he was veering to the side and any slight movement would throw him from the chair.
The red lion continued to fall, and it passed through the void into what appeared to be white clouds all around them.
Keith held on tight to the back of the cockpit, he knew getting up was no use because when Lance regained control he would be pushed to the ground by the forces acting on the massive ship.
Lance seemed to have gotten a good grip on the controls again, and wove the lion around a massive rock pillar before it crashed into it.
"Woah! Well, that was...exciting." Lance said, catching his breath as he slightly relaxed his grip on Red's controls.
Keith sat up a bit and say the lion land in a big cavern of smooth rock. It was under the pillar that nearly killed them and the rocks were... strange.
They had soft purple colors that blended with light warm brown. And they looked like rocks but, every so often Keith thought he saw them shift.
"Wait.... look at that...." Keith began as he walked towards the window.
"Look at the rocks? Why?" Lance's question hung in the air as Keith stayed silent; he pressed up to the window to look at the rocks with a better perspective.
"Hey Keith, I'm talking to you, you know that, right?"
Keith remained silent, surveying the rocks and their strange behavior.
Keith turned to look at Lance who had his arms crossed and just looked tired with Keith.
"I think these rocks"
"Why the hm?"
" I just don't really know how to put this, but these rocks may be alive. They're moving as if they're breathing, could this be a Balmera?"
Lance looked at him skeptically and peered our the window himself.
"Hmm. I'm not sure, it looks all stiff now but I don't think the Balmera will actually breath-"
He was cut off when a low rumble was felt beneath the lion's massive feet. The two Paladins thought it was the Balmera, confirming it was alive, but they soon realized that the rumbling was coming from something coming towards them; and it was coming very quickly.
Lance swiveled Red's head around to face the back of the cave; it sounded as if massive beasts were surrounding them on all sides.
"Nothing over there, what is that we better get out of here quick before we run into whatever-"
A crash sounded from behind the paladins, and the red lion spun around its head to face down the unseen foe.
But what they were expecting did not come.
It wasn't a creature or a hoard of nightmarish beasts;
It was a wave.
A wave that towered over the head of the Red lion and scraped the top of the high cavern walls.
A wave that was mere feet from engulfing the unfortunate pair.
The next moment went by in slow motion for the two Paladins; Keith rushing to grab Lance and get them out of here, and Lance staring in awe at the wave and quickly grabbing the controls to propel them as far upwards as possible.
But neither of these things happened.
Instead, Lance only got out a few words to warn the already alerted Keith, yelling
He was cut off by the wave crashing into the red lion.

Now the lion would be fine. It has lasted thousands of years and is the closest thing to indestructible in the known universe.
But it had two small humans in it, and they are not the hardiest creatures.
The two Paladins were thrown to the back of the lion's head as they were pushed deeper and deeper into the cavern which became frighteningly smaller as they went along. The light began to fade and the ship scraped the sides of the vast cavern; knocking the already battered Paladins more and more.
Lance struggled to get up, looking around for the former pilot of the ship. Keith was already on the move towards the chair, grabbing to its bottom and reaching back to grab Lance.
Always a step ahead, even when where about to die!
Thought Lance as the ship continued to slosh around.
Suddenly, as Keith reached Lance's hand, the cave took a sharp turn, and the wave pushed the ship into a new system of tunnels, this one being a straight plummet into total darkness.
"Lance! Grab my hand-"
Keith tried to finish, but the jolt from the ship caused him to fall back once again into the back of the lion.
Lance tried to catch his friend's hand; but he fell to far away and Lance himself was already in trouble of his own, as the lion gave another violent shake; and then landed very hard on a rocky crevice. Red growled in pain, and the two Paladins felt it through the lion's connection.
The pain was moderate for Red but the lions could handle more than the paladins, so when they felt pain, even if it was mild, they tried to limit the feeling on the actually pilots as they would be crippled by the intensity of the feeling.
But Red was caught off guard and the two Paladins felt the intense, glowering pain of the living ship, and they both fell into unconsciousness.

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