Chapter 3

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  Lithuania was startled by this request. Masha didn't seem at all regretful that she was leaving behind her home, probably forever, to work for Russia.
"But won't you miss your home?" he asked.
"Home is where your heart is happy," she murmured, a disdainful tone creeping into her slightly hoarse voice. "I have no home."
Lithuania didn't know how to respond to that. She made it sound as though she had never been happy in her whole life.
Taking a closer look at her as he drove, he could see that her brilliant emerald eyes held a lot of pain behind them. Her long black hair cascaded down her shoulders in an almost careless way, and what he could see of her skin was so pale it was almost white. A long scar ran from the bridge of her nose to her jaw, and he could see several more that were partially hidden by her white dress. Her pale hands gripped her bag with a force that almost tore the cloth, and her body was rigid as she sat in her seat.
Most noticeable of all was how she seemed to radiate defiance and rebellion from every single part of her body, a sort of raging fire barely contained within her.
"It's rude to stare," she frowned, but her tone was less hostile now.
Lithuania blinked, blushed, and shifted his gaze back to the road. She was very pretty.
"I apologize if I was rude," she said softly, her eyes still on him. "What is your name?"
"Lithuania," he mumbled, trying to keep his focus on his driving and not on the girl next to him, which was fairly difficult, considering that she was staring intently at him.
"Any other names?"
"Other names. What do people call you?"
"Toris," he said, starting to blush from the intensity of her stare. "W-what about you? What do people call you?"
"They call me girl, or freak," she admitted quietly. "Please don't call me that, though. Please just call me Masha. That's my name, even if I haven't heard it in a while."
"You have a pretty name," he commented.
Masha shifted slightly in her seat, and he got the distinct feeling that she was blushing. He didn't have a chance to look and find out, though. He pulled up in front of Russia's house.
"We're here."  

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