Chapter 8

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        Estonia didn't trust himself to look at the girl as he led her through the halls, afraid that looking at her would make him say something stupid. From the brief glance he'd taken when she had helped him up, he knew she was very pretty.
"What's your name?" she asked softly after a few minutes of silence and walking.
"Estonia," he said, a blush creeping up his face from the way he knew she was staring at him. "Or Eduard."
"I'm Masha," she smiled after a moment.
They were silent until they reached the room where Lithuania was cleaning, then Masha turned to him, giving him no choice but to look at her.
"Thank you for showing me the way," she smiled quietly.
"No problem," he managed, staring at her.
She wasn't pretty, she was gorgeous.
Estonia knew his face was burning red, and he turned quickly and walked away in an attempt to hide it. Something told him that her appearance was just a scratch of what was inside her. If that was true, he might start having feelings for her . . .


Lithuania watched Masha talk to Estonia quietly. For some reason, he felt a twinge of jealousy as he watched her smile at the other country.
But that's ridiculous, he thought to himself. I have no reason to be jealous. He paused. That wasn't true. Unless . . . no, I can't be . . . I don't really know her at all . . . but I am . . . I think I'm falling in love with Masha.

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