Chapter Fifteen

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"Most of the shadows of life are caused by standing in our own sunshine."


[ Ariana P.O.V]

Rayyan drove us to the new club called Rogues Club. Our hands intertwined and we went to the club. I saw Nadine and Kevin sat on the counter and laughing together.

"Hey dude" Rayyan greeted Kevin who was held his glass and in returned, he greeted back Rayyan with fists. Rayyan told me to sit and he and Kevin excused themselves.

"Ari, would you like to drink something?" Nadine asked as she moved to the nearest chair beside me.

"Umm orange juice is fine" I said cause I never went to the club before, let alone drinking.

"Come one Ari, one drink doesn't harm you. You know. We're teenagers and age like us probably should be started to have a drink. You should try this wine." Nadine said and then she ordered me a blue wine. (I don't know what's the name).

I was hesitated but then I tried it. As I drink that, I automatically closed my eyes cause I felt something weird on my throat and it was strongest drink I ever had.

"So, how is the taste? That's good right?"

"I felt something strong on my throat and I didn't like it. And I will never drink it again" Nadine laughed and drank her drink.

"How come you can drink this?"

"I just tried it out. Ari, this maybe you didn't used it but if you keep drinking this but not continuously, you will get attached to this."

I said okay and not wanting to continued the conversation, my eyes began to search Rayyan. I couldn't find him. So I stood and tell Nadine that I'm going to toilet. She told me the direction to the toilet and when I was about to enter the toilet, I was bumped with something hard and that makes me fell on the ground.

"Hey little girl, wanna have fun tonight?" I look up to the voice and I was frightened when I saw a drunk man was in front of me. He held my wrist and he pulled me towards him. I was screamed when he tried to kiss me but fortunately, someone pushed him from me and punched him. The club was silent at the moment and I could felt all the eyes were looking at us. When I realized who was the savior, my eyes widening.

"Rayyan, stop. You gonna kill him." I cried and begged him to stop. He stopped and I saw many blood from the man face. I guess what Rayyan did was totally worst for the man.

Rayyan held my wrist and dragged me out from the club. He looked so angry.

"What are you doing there? Why you are alone?!" Rayyan yelled when we was in the car park.

I bit my lips and look down. I don't even know what to tell him. He sighed and held my shoulder tightly and causing me to look at his eyes.

"You know you could be a meal for him. He was drunk and what if something happen to you if I wasn't there earlier? Who you will think gonna save you?"

I mumbled sorry to him and look down again.

"Come on, I'll drive you home. And before that I'm gonna bring you to this place." Rayyan opened the door car for me and I entered. Then he walked to his driver side and entered. He drove us to the place he said earlier and I just realized that he brought me to the beach.

He stopped the car and asked me to go out and so do him. We walked to the shore and sat there.

"This is the place where can calm me wherever I feel angry, sad and frustrated. Coming to the beach on the night could make my mind ease. This place is very special for me." He started the conversation after the silence. I nodded and close my eyes to feel the wind.

"Tell me about your family."

I opened my eyes and look at him and smiled. Then I look to the beach. "My father is Jack Herron, and my mother is Diana Herron. I have one cute sister named, Erica Herron. My dad works as salesman and yeah, being salesman makes him to travel a lot but he promised us that one day he'll stop being salesman and he wants to open his own business. My mom works as a manager of the Carina Boutique. That boutique belongs to her bestfriend. My sister is 15 and she's annoying character but could be pampered. That's it. There's nothing interest about my family." I said as I look at him. He nodded.

"So your dad works as salesman and your mom works as manager. Good to know."

"What about yours?"

"As you know, my dad is Drake Knight and he is a billionaire. He owns company called Knight Legacy. He is top ten billionaire over the world. And I have sister, Sophia Knight who is really pampered and sometimes she can cheer our mood with her behaviour. That's it" He smiled and he looked at me.

I looked at him and my eyebrows was furrowed as my mind telling me about his mother. "What about your mom?"

Suddenly he drop his smile and he look away from me. He looked at his wrist and he told me to get up cause this was very late and he wanted to drive me home.

I was wondering about his mom and his behaviour. What happened to his mom? Why can't he tell me about his mom?

"My mom named is Anastasia Knight and she was pretty and very nice person. She loves her husband and her children dearly. My dad was lucky to know my mother first than others men. Don't offence, it's not like I don't have interest to tell you about my mom but my mom isn't a type who like to show the world who is her. My mom like to be in secret and away from paparazzi." He explained to while he drove me to my home. Then he stopped in front of my home.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interfered your life. It's just I was curious why you left your mom identify from me. I mean, I never knew or meet your mom but I hope one day I'll be able to meet her." I gave my sincere smile. Now I know, being a billionaire family, you have to hide from world to have a normal life.

I bid him goodbye and exit the car. I waved him once again and entered my house. I went to my room and get shower. I felt my eyes so heavy so I decided to straight instead of checking my phone.

[ Rayyan P.O.V]

"You'll never meet her, Ariana" I tightening my hands on the steering.

I parked my car on our garage and went out. I entered my house. I was about to walked to my room but my dad that is sat on the couch called me to join him. I sat across him and waiting for him to start the conversation. After all, he's the one who called me first.

"Rayyan, did you manage to apply your study to Cambridge?"

"Not yet but I could asked your secretary to apply it."

My dad drink his coffee and look at me, "You have three week before you go. What I want to tell you is after your graduate, I'll announce as my substitute and you gonna take over the company. I'll be retired and I think it's time for me to chill and travel the world."

"Thanks dad. But before I go, there's something I must do."

"And what's that?"

I told my dad and my dad seems like have no objection to what I told him. He know I already grown up and he know what's the best for me.

I entered my room and sat on the edge of my bed.

"This game has just begun. We wait and see" I smirked.


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