Episode 1

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~Ginovae's POV~

I sat in my tiny room, only big enough for a small mat on the floor and two people to stand next to it. Luckily I had this room to myself, other girls weren't so lucky. Most of them had to share a room with one or even two others, but I had worked for my own room. I was one of the hardest and best workers in the entirety of Slave City, which is what most people called this place. It was located in the most inhabited part of a planet called Ledocon, which was in a part of the galaxy that I had no idea even existed until I was brought here. We were all owned by one master, and he was the dictator of the whole city and most of the planet. Us slaves all stayed in one giant building, where we would be rented out to anyone that was high up in society in the city that needed us at the time. No matter the task required, whether it be steel work in a factory or sexual entertainment all the way to security work for the older of us, we could be "loaned" out to anyone who had the money. I was lucky enough to only have experienced the first two a couple of times before I had proven myself in order to get out of that. I had been "promoted" to the position of security or personal guard, by sheer willpower in trying so hard to escape the things I knew everyone else here was experiencing.

I lay slumped against the wall on my mat, ready for sleep to overtake me after a rigorous day of watching over a perverted rich man's even more perverted son, who had girls running in and out of his room all day while I had to stand guard so no one that wasn't invited would go near him. There had been a lot of this kind of job for me lately, mostly because the Mandalorian that was in charge of my sector of the slave trade knew that I had shut my emotions down a long time ago, which meant I no longer cared what I did; which also meant I did one of the best jobs he had seen in almost a century. He told me that once, and although I didn't really feel much about it, the one thing I did feel was a small spike of pride. I had done a good job and it had gotten me where I was. Although getting out of this hellhole would have been preferred, having a room to myself wasn't a letdown.
My head started to nod as I was falling asleep, still sitting up against the cold wall of my so-called room — it was more like a prison cell.

I finally fell asleep, but it was wracked with nightmares and terrifying images. I was awoken to a very loud crash outside my cell. I shot up to my feet and instinctively slid into a defensive stance, raising my fists up in front of my face out of habit.

Several more crashes that sounded like explosions came and I could hear yelling and screams and blasters going off. But I just waited. I waited for someone to come along and open my cell door so that I could fight my way out if I had to. I stood there for several minutes in anticipation when I heard a bleep and a clack as my door unlocked and slid open.

The split second the door was open far enough I stepped forward so fast you could only see a blur where my feet were suppose to be. I charged through the door and swung my arm out at whoever was dumb enough to open the door. My eyes widened as they dodged, and a whirring sound combined with the glowing light told me whoever it was, was carrying a lightsaber.

"Woah there!" It appeared to be a she, said.

I slid back into my stance and stared at her with stone cold eyes, my mind taking in what I was seeing. The woman was dressed in a brown cloak, the ends almost touching the ground; her hair was a straight auburn brown that was just reaching past her jaw. Her blue-green eyes pierced into mine as I made eye contact with her.

Her lightsaber retracted and she clipped it to her belt, holding a hand out to me in a manner to display her efforts of peace. I didn't lower my arms or let myself relax at all. I had no idea who this was or why she was here. But since she had put her weapon away I took a split second to look down the giant corridor on either side of me. I could see other slave girls and boys running around and a bunch of areas on fire and places that were completely blown to bits. There were also a bunch of what I assumed were Jedis running around looking like they were trying to help us.

My gaze snapped back to the Jedi in front of me and my eyes narrowed just a bit.

"Look," she said calmly. "We're not here to hurt any of you, we're here to help. You can relax, I'm not gonna hurt you."

"Who are you? And what do you want?" I replied stiffly, still refusing to lessen the strength of my tensed muscles.

"My name is Sadie Radda, and we came here on direct orders from the Jedi Council to get as many of you kids out of here as we can. We've had a man on the inside for a long time now, reporting back to us so we would know the right time to come in and put an end to this whole system. If you don't believe me, you can ask him," she gestured toward another Jedi that had been making his way swiftly toward us.

"Sadie, we need to get her out of here now, we're running out of time and if we don't get out of here soon we'll end up dead. Let's go," he said to Sadie, reaching for me as he did so.

My reaction was to take a step away from him and swing an arm out in expert precision, right at his jaw. My fist collided with his face with a thwack, sending him reeling backward for a moment before he regained balance and looked at me, himself settling into a defensive position.

"It's your own fault Obi-Wan, I was just starting to get her to trust me, way to go," Sadie said, stifling a grin.

I only glared at them, still unsure of exactly who these people were. Or what they're intentions with me were.

"Please, come with us," Sadie turned back to me, a gentle but pleading look in her eyes. "We can get you out of here, for good. No one will ever hurt you again."

I let my stance falter for a moment, the realization of why they were here finally sinking in. I let my hands fall to my sides, my glare lessening to a still slightly suspicious glance, as I stood up straight.

"Fine," was my only reply to what she had said.

"Alright," she started, motioning for me to go first and to hurry because even I knew at this point we would get caught by The Master's security if we stayed any longer. We walked quickly and when we heard trooping feet perfectly in sync following not very far behind us we began to run. Several minutes of running got us out of the giant building and we continued a short distance away when I caught sight of a large ship waiting for us in a giant open area. Most of the other Jedi had already made it there with the kids they had rescued. We were the only ones left.

We made it halfway to the ship when I heard shouting and yelling behind us and shots began to be fired. Blaster shots blew sparks everywhere as they collided with the ground close to my feet over and over as we ran even faster. We reached the ship just in time and the hatch was shut with a clank as the ship lifted off and shot into space.

Sadie and Obi-Wan, as I assumed he was called by way of earlier, slumped against the walls of the ship next to the hatch, both breathing heavily. I just stood there, not even sweating, let alone out of breath.
Both of them looked at me like I was crazy, obviously thinking a nine-year-old would be winded and at least a little tired after something like that. But I wasn't an average nine-year-old. I was far from it.
They would figure that out soon enough, even as they sat there looking back and forth between me and each other with confusion evident in their gaze.

I went and sat on a chair farther inside the ship, not saying a thing and keeping my gaze fixed on my hands that were clasped tightly together in my lap. I neither moved nor made a sound, I just waited; I waited for whatever was to come.

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