Episode 14

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A while later after we had left the Council, we were walking through the Jedi Temple. Sadie and Obi-Wan walked ahead of me, deep in discussion, while I hung back quite a bit trying not to listen to what they were saying. I knew they were talking about me, but I didn't want to know what it was specifically. I ran through what had happened in there over and over again in my head. The idea that, as I had found him out to be, the most powerful known Jedi didn't have a way to help me get my memories back; and it scared me. This whole thing scared me. I mean, what was I supposed to do? How can one small child do something that one of the most powerful beings in the galaxy can't even do? This entire situation seemed completely impossible.

We finally reached the transports at the edge of the Temple, boarding one heading home. The trip back was silent between the three of us. They had temporarily paused their conversation in the close quarters so as to not be overheard by open ears. When we got home and got to the apartment, their discussion restarted and it got louder.

"But if she can't remember anything then we're going to have to start completely over with her training, getting her adjusted, everything! I can't do that!" Sadie said loudly, her distress with the situation becoming clear to me.

"I know that, but we need to see if there's a way we can help her first, before we jump to any conclusions and just give up on getting her memories back," Obi-Wan said calmly, his emotions less evident, and much more under control.

Sadie was about to continue with her angle of the argument but I stepped up next to them and interjected. "I know I don't know you two very well, but I do know that you shouldn't be fighting over this. This is my problem because they're my memories. So I need to be the one to figure this out. Not you."

Sadie looked like she was about to contradict me but I kept going.

"I know you both care about me, I can see that plainly. But this is my fight and I need to fight it on my own," I finished with a firm look at both of them to let them know I was serious about this before I walked between them both and went straight to my room without waiting for a reply. Even before I closed my door, however, I heard them start up again, Sadie's voice still laced with concern.

I sighed and laid down on my bed. A moment later I heard a knock on my door and then it slid open. I sat up when I saw it was Anakin. I nodded at him and he came in, closing the door behind him.

"Are you okay?" he asked, coming and sitting next to me on the edge of the bed.

"Not really, no," I answered honestly. I didn't really see the point in lying to him, I mean, he clearly could hear the argument they were having and could tell that the meeting didn't go well. But I also trusted him with the fact that I wasn't okay, because somehow I knew he cared.

"It doesn't sound like it went very well," he said what I was thinking.

"They can't help me," I replied flatly, laying back on the bed with a huff.

Anakin stayed sitting up, but he took my hand in his own as he started talking. "Not at all?" he asked and I shook my head. "Oh wow. I wasn't expecting that."

There was silence for a few minutes.

He opened his mouth to speak but then closed it again, clearly not knowing what to say.

"Not even Master Yoda," I answered his unspoken question.

"That's not good," he breathed and I could feel the concern wafting off of him in waves.

"I guess," I shrugged. Sure, Yoda was known to be really powerful, but that didn't mean he was the only one with the secrets of the universe. I didn't really know much about him, but I concluded that if he couldn't help me with this then he might not be as powerful as everyone was saying. Sure he had I have no idea how many years of wisdom to share, but wisdom doesn't always mean one has the answers to everything. You can be wise and not know everything.

"What do you mean, 'you guess'?" he said, looking at me a little shocked. "If Master Yoda can't help you then-"

"Yeah, I know," I interrupted him. "I've been over this already. But honestly I don't think that Master Yoda is everything everyone makes him out to be. I mean, sure he's powerful, but that doesn't make him all-knowing. If he can't help me then I'll have to figure this out on my own."

"Well," he started, looking out my window. "Not completely on your own. You've got me."

I sat up and looked at him and he turned away from the window to make eye contact with me. "How can you help me? Can you do something Yoda can't?" I teased him.

"No, but you must know that I'm always here for you if you need me. No matter what comes," he was serious even though I had been joking.

I studied his eyes for a moment before nodding silently. We didn't break eye contact until I decided to set my head on his shoulder. He set his chin gently on top of my head and we both let out a long breath.

"We're gonna figure this out," he said quietly, but assuredly. "Together."

In response I snuggled closer to him, lacing our fingers together a little tighter. We sat like that looking out my window at the setting sun for a long while, just comfortable in each other's presence. I felt more relaxed in that few minutes than I had in the past several years, at least from what I remembered.

Unfortunately, that peace I felt was abruptly interrupted by a knock on my door. I lifted my head from Anakin's shoulder reluctantly and called out for them to come in.

Obi-Wan stepped through the door a moment later, the same confused look on his face at seeing Anakin in here that Sadie had had just that morning.

"Um," Obi-Wan started, but looked like he had lost his thought when he walked in.

I sat there and Anakin and I both looked at him expectantly, wondering what exactly had warranted interrupting a peaceful moment.

"We didn't get any training in earlier," he finally got out. "So we need to head over to the training center."

"Right," Anakin said and I could hear a tiny hint of disappointment behind his tone. "I'll be right out."

"O-okay," Obi-Wan looked like he still didn't know how to process the fact that he now saw Anakin and I holding hands while we were sitting on my bed. "I'll be by the door." Then he promptly left the room.

"Well that was kind of funny," Anakin turned his head to look at me, a smile on his face. Although I could see in his eyes that he didn't want to leave.

"It was kinda," I cracked a small smile and his smile grew at the sight of mine.

"You should smile more often," he chuckled. "It looks good on you."

"It still feels weird," I answered, the smile already long gone.

"I know, but you should try it more," he grinned.

We sat there for another few moments without saying anything else and then he sighed and I already knew why.

"I should go," he finally said, standing up but not yet letting go of my hand.

"Good luck," I said, as if I was encouraging him to go do what he needed to do, but I gripped his hand tighter. It was as though, if I let go, I would be loosing the last bit of peace I had left, and I had no idea how I was going to get it back. But I knew he had to go.

"Thanks," he said gently, then leaned down and gently kissed my forehead. "I'll be back later."

"Okay," my smile came back, lingering until our hands finally separated and he went out the door with a concerned backwards glance.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2022 ⏰

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