Episode 12

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The four of us talked for several hours, Sadie and Ben explaining many things about the past year that I had done and said, but nothing brought any of my memories back. Everything of the past year was completely gone.

"And I think that's it," Ben finished, leaning back in his place.

"Did anything ring a bell?" Sadie asked, hopeful.

I shook my head, looking down at my hands in my lap and studying them. This was frustrating. I had always heard stories about the Jedi from the older slaves and from many of the people I had worked for, and I had dreamed of becoming one. And now I had gotten the chance and I've forgotten it all.

"Shit," I heard Sadie mumble.

"I'm sorry," I said, shuffling my feet a little.

"You have nothing to be sorry for," Sadie said, putting a hand on my shoulder. "None of this was your fault."

"I know," I said flatly. "I just hate disappointing people. I was never allowed to without some kind of consequence."

"We're not disappointed at all," Ben sat forward and put a hand on my other shoulder. "At least not with you. We're disappointed that you lost your memory, but not with you yourself."

"You're not?" I looked between the two of them.

"Not a bit," Sadie said. "We're just glad you're alive."

"What do you mean by that?" I asked, confused.

"You don't know?" she asked.

"Know what?" I was even more confused.

"You were dead, for almost an hour," she said slowly.

"What?!" I whipped around and looked at her, letting my first bit of emotion show in my shock. "When? How? What happened?"

"I don't know," she began. "We were down here and the building started shaking, then when we got to the roof you were laying there. You had no pulse and you didn't for almost an hour and then you woke up."

I sat there, stunned into silence. I. Died. How in the name of Randor himself did that even happen?

I stood abruptly and turned around to face both of them. "If you don't mind, I'm really tired. You wouldn't happen to have a place I could sleep?"

"Uh-um, yeah," Ben replied, a little taken aback. "You did live with us before."

"Right," I nodded.

Ben stood up and started walking down the hallway out of the livingroom. I followed, leaving Sadie sitting on the couch and Anakin sitting silently on one of the chairs.

Ben turned a corner and gestured to the door on his left. "This is yours."

"Thank you," I replied, going in and shutting the door behind me.

I waited until I heard him walk away before turning around and observing the room. A simple bed was against one wall, a ceiling-to-floor window across from it, and a small desk on the wall opposite where I stood by the door. A wardrobe stood next to the desk in the corner.

I took a deep breath in as I walked across the room and let it out as I sat down on the bed. I lay down and shut my eyes, only to see flashes of bright lights and fogged over images and my eyes shot open.

"I'm not getting to sleep, am I?" I muttered to myself, shifting onto my side and closing my eyes again, trying to picture darkness.

Eventually the images and lights faded and I fell into a nightmare-ridden deep slumber.

STAR WARS: Galaxy Nova(UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now