Episode 13

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I awoke to the sunlight seeping through the window of my room and my eyes fluttered open to quite a different sight. Anakin was laying with his arm hanging over the edge of the bed, his head sideways facing me and his mouth wide open with a little bit of drool on the pillow underneath.

I rolled my eyes and closed them, wanting the elusive sensation of sleep to come back. But a few minutes later with no luck had me opening my eyes once again and scooting gently into a sitting position against the wall with my legs tucked crisscross underneath me.

I watched him sleep for a while, my mind wandering to random places that ended only in fog and eventually a headache if I tried too hard to remember. I rubbed my temples, shaking my head to get myself out of my thoughts.

I looked over to the shelf beside me where the broken lightsaber lay. It's core still glowing dimly through the cracks, still flickering between green and a golden yellow. I reached hesitantly over and picked it up, bringing it to rest several inches from my face where I watched it closely as if entranced by the light. When I gripped it with both hands the crystal seemed to pulse and it crackled to a solid yellow where it stayed, flickering and licking at the cracks as if it was trying to escape. I could feel the energy of it coursing up my arms through my very veins, and when I looked I could just barely see them glowing the same yellow as it pulsed and rippled with energy. I stared at it in shock until all of a sudden my hands started to shake and I dropped the saber onto the bed in front of me. The glow of the crystal instantly faded back to green and a split second after fading into nothing, the glow in my veins receding to nothing at the same time.

Just then there came a soft knock on my door, which in turn woke Anakin from his awkward sleep. He rubbed his eyes and slowly sat up, a yawn escaping as he stretched his arms up to the ceiling.

"Come in," I said loud enough for whoever knocked to hear me.

The door slid open and Sadie walked in, a look of surprize coming over her face as she saw Anakin still half laying on my bed. He was propped up on one elbow, still registering his surroundings after waking up.

She cleared her throat and looked from him back to me and then asked, "Did you sleep alright?"

"Yes," I lied. "Thank you."

Anakin looked at me questioningly, obviously wondering why I didn't tell her what actually happened. I avoided his eyes and kept my own on Sadie.

"That's good," she sounded doubtful, but she didn't press. "The plan today is to take you to the council and tell them what's going on, and maybe, they can figure out what happened to your memory."

"Alright," I nodded, sliding past Anakin off the bed and standing up swiftly, leaving the lightsaber, ignored, where I had dropped it. He stood up next to me, close enough that his hand brushed against my own for a moment.

"I'll leave you to get ready," Sadie said after a moment of watching the two of us, then turned and walked back out the door, it sliding shut behind her.

I looked at Anakin, and saw that he was already looking at me. "I should probably prepare," I said after a moment.

"Right," he acknowledged, taking my hand and giving it a quick squeeze. He started to walk away but I reached out and grasped his shirt, pulling him gently back into a cautious hug.

"Thank you," I mumbled into his chest.

I didn't quite know why I trusted him so much. I had never been this comfortable around anyone in my entire life, at least not that I remembered. Something about him just made me feel safe and like everything was going to be okay. I don't know why I didn't like him during my missing year.

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