Episode 4

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~ Nova's POV ~

When I came out of my room and went back into the living room, Obi was standing there with his arms crossed and he was pretty much glowering at me. Anakin was standing off to the side, and he was also glowering.
"What?" I asked, confused as to why I was in any kind of trouble with him.
"What has gotten into you two?" Obi asked, looking between the two of us. "You just met!"
"I don't know what you mean," I answered flatly. "He was being a chatterbox and he was saying that I was displaying all of these random emotions that I've never shown in my life, so I calmly corrected him and he got all annoyed and stomped away. I did nothing wrong."

Anakin looked at Obi with a completely straight face and Ben stared right back, his glower now pointed at him. Obi-Wan shook his head and sighed. He rubbed his hand down his face like he was exasperated before taking a deep breath.

"Nova, take Anakin to his room and then go back to your own and both of you stay there. I have work to do," Obi looked very frustrated as he stormed back out the door. When he was gone I looked at Anakin and he looked at me.

I took a long step and came extremely close to his face. "This is my home, and they are my family. If you do anything that I think will hurt or mess up any of it, I will kill you. Do you understand?" My eyes were locked on his as I stared him down.

He gulped.

"Yes," his answer was short, but I could tell he knew I was serious.

I backed up in a half-second and stuck my hand out. "Good. Now, I still don't like you, at all, but we have to at least get a little bit along, or both of them will murder us."

"Right," he nodded in agreement and shook my hand quickly.

"Follow me," I turned around sharply and walked down the hall past my room and turned the corner to the empty guest bedroom. Which, I guess, was now Anakin's. "This is your room."

"Thanks," he went in and looked around, eventually sitting on the bed and giving it a little bounce.

I walked away after I knew he was familiar with his new surroundings and went to my own room, once again shutting my door.

I flopped on my own bed and sighed. Training and life were both going amazingly, and now this kid showed up acting like he knew everything. Well he was about to find out he was very wrong.

—Several Weeks Later—

"Good Nova, feel what you're doing. Follow your instincts," Sadie encouraged me as I used my lightsaber to block the blasts from my training sphere as I couldn't see anything because of the helmet. I could feel Anakin standing not far away, doing the same as me, except he wasn't doing as well. I could tell because I heard the occasional muffled umph of pain from a sphere blast hitting him.

I wasn't even really trying, not to brag. But I had been doing this so much, even when Sadie wasn't around; although she didn't know that. I had gotten so good at it, I didn't even really have to pay attention anymore. I had memorized every single blast pattern from the sphere and I could tell when it went into a specific sequence; so I not longer needed to think to be able to block it.

Anakin on the other hand, had just started this week. The last two weeks since he got here had been him familiarizing himself with the force and learning some of the history of it all. He was just now getting into the battle training. And even now, he wasn't allowed to do much of it, because he was still learning everything else. He was a fast learner, but not that fast.

"Sadie, can I please move on to something a little challenging?" I pulled off the helmet after I couldn't stand it anymore and looked at Sadie, waiting blankly for her response.

"Oh really? And what exactly did you have in mind?" She looked at me incredulously.

"I don't know, maybe actually fighting someone," I stared straight back at her, unflinching from her doubtful gaze.

"You want to fight someone?" I could tell she was trying not to smirk as she spoke. "Like who?"

"You," I replied calmly.

"You don't want to fight me, Nova," she let out a dry laugh.

"You scared I'll beat you?" I didn't brake our eye contact, my voice smooth and unwavering, yet my eyes grew dark.

"No, I just don't want to hurt you in the process of kicking your ass."

"Oh really?" My eyes grew darker, and yet my vision grew brighter, almost as if the lights around me grew brighter.

"Fine. If you insist," she took hold of her lightsaber and stepped back, the blade vibrating and whirring as it shot out of the hilt.

"Uh-oh," I heard Anakin mutter from where he was on the other side of the room. I looked over at him and saw that he had taken his helmet off and was watching both of us.

I took a step back, tossing my helmet off to the side of the room and grabbing hold of my lightsaber. I took a stance and locked eyes with Sadie. She stared right back at me as she stood calmly, attempting to anticipate my first move. When neither of us moved, I took a breath, standing straight up and closing my eyes, placing my whirring blade in front of my face.

Although my eyes were closed, I knew every single thing around me. It was as if I could see everything pulsing with glowing yellow energy, coursing throughout every inch of my surroundings. I could see it and feel it all.

I breathed in a deep breath. Then there was movement. I could feel Sadie's being moving toward me swiftly and heard her blade swinging at me, and my eyes shot open. I moved my blade and it struck Sadie's with a zap. I held it there, eyes locked back on Sadie's which were lit up in the light from our blades.

I could no longer hear anything but the whirring of the blades and the energy surrounding me. The fight was a blur of motions and zaps of blade against blade as both of us moved swiftly around the room, perfecting move after move. Eventually Sadie got me into a corner that I couldn't get out of, and she pinned me to the wall, our lightsabers connecting in a zap of energy once again.

Sadie was out of breath as she glared at me, sweat dripping down her face. My breathing however, was calm and my body wasn't even hot. However I had reached a point where my arms began to be weaker, and I couldn't hold her off for much longer.

"You going to give up yet?" She gritted through her teeth, putting more pressure against her blade.

"Not a chance," I bit back at her. But my body went against my mind. I was smaller than Sadie, believe it or not, and she was older and stronger. So it was no surprise when I relaxed and let my lightsaber retract back into the hilt.

Sadie backed up, not quite a smile on her face. "Oh really." It was a statement, not a question.

"I didn't give up," I straightened my clothes. "I just got tired."

"Sure," she rolled her eyes. "Go back to the house, take Anakin with you. And stay out of trouble, both of you."

She looked pointedly at Anakin, and he huffed and crossed his arms like a child. I rolled my eyes and began walking out of the Temple back home; Anakin trailing far behind me.

Sorry it took so long. I've been extremely busy with the end of school, and I got stuck about halfway through the chapter. But here it is! Hope you like it, leave a comment and a vote!

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