Episode 3

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~One Year Later~

~Ginovae's POV~

I stood beside Sadie on the platform in front of the large Jedi Temple, awaiting the return of Obi-Wan with the queen of Naboo, Queen Amidala. A few minutes after we had been standing there I saw a glint of a shiny silver ship headed our way from up above us. It landed with the engines creating a blast of hot air that blew my hair and black cloak around as well as Sadie's brown. The ship landed and the hatch opened to reveal Obi-Wan, the Queen not far behind with many handmaidens escorting her.

They made their way toward us and that was when I caught sight of another being with Obi-Wan. It was a boy that looked to be my age, and he was a bit taller than me, with sandy brown hair and blue eyes that hadn't seen me yet. But as they got closer he caught sight of me and we locked eyes. From that moment on, I knew, there was something about him that wasn't right. There was something behind his eyes that told me there was something really wrong with him.

The feeling left a moment later, but left behind a brief imprint in the back of my mind. The impression I had of him after that feeling left was that of a weak, untrained boy who was in way out of his depth. I disliked him from that moment on, and from what I could tell, he felt the same way.

"Sadie, Ginovae," Obi-Wan nodded to each of us as they reached us.

"Obi-Wan, welcome back. I trust you had a safe journey," Sadie nodded back, then turned to the boy. "And who's this?"

"This is Anakin, we found him on Tatooine and he's going to train with me as my apprentice," Obi replied, placing a hand on Anakin's shoulder.

The Queen came up beside Obi-Wan and looked at both of us, smiling sweetly at me. I bowed immediately, Sadie following close behind my reaction.

"My lady," Sadie said, straightening back up. "Welcome to Corosant."

"Thank you Master Radda, I hope we didn't keep you waiting too long," the Queen replied as we all turned and began walking inside.

"No too long," Sadie glanced at me out of the corner of her eye.

"Who might this be?" The Queen asked kindly, speaking of me.

"This is Ginovae, she's my padiwan," Sadie replied.

"It's good to meet you, Ginovae," the Queen smiled at me as we walked, eventually reaching the doors to the Jedi Temple.

I only nodded in return, still not saying anything.

"You and Anakin should get along quite well," the Queen continued, and then turned her attention back to Sadie and Obi-Wan where they started their own diplomatic conversation that I didn't care to listen to. But that left me alone walking next to Anakin.

"Hi," Anakin said after a minute.
I nodded in answer to him, still keeping my mouth shut on account of my training—when nothing needs to be said, don't say it.

"You don't talk much," he said after my silence had become too long. "You okay?"

"I'm fine," I said shortly, making it clear I didn't want to say anything else. Or at least I thought I did.

"You sure? Cuz you don't seem like it, you look like you're angry, or maybe sad? Or kinda frustrated or even stres-"

"I'm not any of those," I said shortly, interrupting him. "I just know how and when to keep my mouth shut."

"Well fine then," he appeared to get angry, as he sped up his walking so he was now beside Obi-Wan again; completely ignoring me, which I was totally fine with.

I kept my distance from the adults, knowing not to interrupt them for any reason. While I hung back a ways, I observed my surroundings. It had been a long while since I had been in this particular part of the Temple, and I had quite forgotten what it looked like. The structures and designs were beautifully done and look amazing, accenting the newer pieces that had been added on later as our technology progressed.
"Nova," Sadie has said my name twice before I realized she had said something to me, and I snapped back to reality.

We were standing in one of the large corridors outside of what I had now guessed were the Queen's quarters.

"Yes, Master?" I stood at attention, waiting for her to continue.

"You and Obi-Wan take Anakin back home and get him settled in where he's staying. I need to stay here and discuss a few things with the Council," she said after she knew I was fully listening.

"Wait," I dropped my rigid posture. "He's staying at home? Wouldn't he just stay here with the other Padiwans?" It was a legitimate question and I did have a right to an answer.

"Not since Obi decided he'd rather bring him home. Now go, before I give you something worse to do," I could tell Sadie was trying not to smile.

"Yes, Master," I muttered, turning back to Obi and Anakin. "Let's go home, Obi."

We left the Temple and headed home, which wasn't too far from the Temple. The moment we got inside the door I went straight to my room, closing the door behind me and purposefully ignoring the fact that we had a guest.
"Ginovae! We do not disappear into our own rooms when we have guests, you know that!" Obi shook his head, eventually looking over at Anakin. "Just give her some time and space, she'll come around and start to like you eventually."

"I don't really want her to," I could hear Anakin say it from inside my room.

"What is it with you two that's just happened that's got you two to hate each other already? You just met an hour ago!" Obi sounded exasperated.

"She was rude to me, I don't like her," Anakin replied, and I could practically hear him rolling his eyes.

"Ginovae Solas Hart! Get out here now!"
I sat for a moment, debating about going out there with that liar, I wasn't rude to him I just told him why I wasn't talking because it was how I was taught, he had a right to take it whatever way he wanted even though I wasn't a bit rude. I had no idea why I disliked Anakin so much, I just couldn't understand him for some reason.

Dangit, I hate not knowing things, it makes me uneasy.

If I didn't go out there, however, Obi would kill me. So I got up and moved the door aside with my mind, without even realizing it.

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