Episode 10

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Everything was dark until I realized I could open my eyes. When I blinked them open I flinched at the brightness that met my retinas. I sat up from wherever I was laying and looked around me. There was just white. I was sitting on nothing. I was looking at nothing but white, all around me. In every direction and every angle, it was just white. I stood up carefully, disoriented by the fact that it literally looked like I was standing on nothing. The emptiness echoed as I took each step in whatever direction I was going, if forward or backward or up or down even existed in this place.

"Hello?" I called, it echoing loud enough that I flinched.

"You don't belong here," a quiet voice behind me spoke and I whirled around to see a figure clad in silver robes. I couldn't see their face or any other defining features.

"What?" I asked quietly, confusion overtaking any other alarm that ran through my body. "Who are you?"

The figure stepped a little closer and I could now tell it was a man, watching me with a look of what could almost be described as disappointment, but was borderlining sadness. "You don't belong here," he repeated.

"What do you mean? I don't even know where I am," I replied, confusion growing.

"You need to go back, but I can't help you do that. You must do it on your own. You must go back, Ginovae. Please?" The man almost seemed as though he was begging me.

"Who are you?" I furrowed my eyebrows as I took two steps toward him so I was standing right in front of him, looking at his face. He seemed familiar for some odd reason, but I couldn't figure it out. "How do you know me? How do you know my name?"

"You must go back. But you must control it. If you let go everything will be destroyed. All will be lost. You cannot stay here any longer Ginovae! You must go back!" He became more and more urgent as he spoke eventually taking hold of my shoulders and practically shaking me with urgency.

"What do you want?!" I tried to step away from him but my feet felt like they had glued themselves to the spot they were. "Answer my questions! Who are you and how do you know me? And where the hell am I?!"

"I need you to go back, you must go back!" He continued shaking me. "I know you because I am your father, and you are dead, but you have to go back!"

"The hell?!" I jerked away from him in shock. "You can't be my father, I don't have a family! I don't know who my father was, and I don't even remember my mother, how can you be my father?!"

"Ginovae, you must understand, you can't stay here any longer. You must go or you won't be able to. If you stay here to long you will be stuck here forever like I am. You don't get it, you're dead but you have to go back to the living like I couldn't. Like I can't. You have to go back because you don't belong here!"

"I don't understand! If I'm dead then how am I here? Wherever here is. And how am I supposed to go back even if I am dead?! I can't just come back to life that's impossible, not even the most powerful Sith could bring someone back from the dead! I don't know you, you can't be my father, I don't have any memory of my family. I must be dreaming! I need to wake up, I'm having a crazy dream," I tried to rationalize with myself, holding my head in my hands as I looked around me wide eyed like I was waiting for the place I was in to disappear like my nightmares usually did. But nothing happened, I still couldn't move and the white world around me wouldn't go away.

"You can remember your family, you just shut away the memories because you were scared and alone. You CAN remember! You just have to try! But you have to go back first! You have to figure it out so you can go back, but you must do it quickly..." his voice trailed off and I looked up to see him looking around in fear. I followed his gaze and realized why he was afraid.

Parts of the pure white world around me had begun to grow watery patches of black that were slowly spreading and soaking up more of the white light.

"Quickly! You have to go, or you'll be dead permanently, you won't be able to go back," He looked back to me, his whole being seeming to disappear. "Go!"

"Wait!" I called as the last of him faded away into the darkness that was slowly spreading more and more around me. "I have so many questions."

I whipped around in every direction looking for a way out of wherever this was, but there was nothing but dwindling white being consumed by blackness—which was more like the absence of absolutely everything.

I began to panic, not having any idea what was happening or what was going to happen when the white was completely gone. The man's words echoed in my head telling me to get out as fast as I could, but I didn't know how!

If I'm dead then there is no way out! I'm dead! When you die, it's over, the rest is yet to be discovered by the living. So going back to "the land of the living" was impossible because I don't even know where it is, I don't even know where I am! If this is the afterlife then everyone else has moved on, leaving me behind to try and find a way back. But how?! I don't even really feel like I exist right now, or anything around me. How do I know this is real and I really am dead?

I can't think straight everything is going haywire and my senses are overwhelmed with the mediclorians surrounding me. I have no idea what to do and if that man was right I'm running out of time, fast. The world around me was almost empty of light now and I could barely see anything but blackness.


Wait a second!

The mediclorians!

I could feel them everywhere, filling every inch of everything I was standing in, and my connection to the force started skyrocketing. I looked down at my hands and saw glowing yellow balls of light in each palm, fluxing and zapping like electricity. From my hands came golden lines beneath my skin that looked like veins travelling all the way up my arms and throughout the rest of my body. My vision became brighter and chased the darkness that was creeping ever closer to me a little further away.

I closed my eyes and took a breath in, feeling my power growing. If this is what that man meant, then it was working, whatever it was. A jolt of what I could only describe as lightning shot through me in a split second. And I felt my heart beat, just once. Then again a moment later. Then again. Faster and faster, and then I bolted upright with a gasp on the roof of the building that sat high over the visible city.

The sun shone brightly high up in the sky as I heaved for air, my head still thudding and my heart racing.

"How are you alive?" A shocked voice came from beside me and I looked to see three people. One crouched next to me and the other two standing behind, all of their expressions clearly displaying their disbelief.

"What happened?" I gasped out.

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