Episode 9

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~Sadie's POV~

I awoke to a thunderous rumbling and everything shaking. I bolted out of bed which woke Obi up and he shot up as well.

"What the hell is happening?!" He yelled over the rumbling.

"I have no idea! But we have to find the kids!" I shouted back, moving swiftly to the door.

Neither of us had to speak to know where each of us was going. I bolted for Nova's room and Ben ran to Anakin, who had run, panicked, out of his door. Ginovae's door slid aside and I ran in... to an empty room.

And my fears, the ones that I had shoved way down in the darkest parts of me, came rushing to the surface faster than my blood was pumping. I flashed around and looked straight at Ben, my fear shining in my eyes. He knew right away.

Then the shaking stopped. Everything was still and the only thing I could hear was my own racing heartbeat.

"We have to find her," I breathed out, stepping carefully from Nova's room. "She's somewhere in the building, we just have to find out where."

"Umm..." Anakin started, still standing close to Obi-Wan in fear. "I think I might know."

We both looked at him as if for him to continue. He did.

"I've seen her taking a well hidden passage out in the hall outside the apartment. It's not very obvious, so no one really knows about it. It leads up to the roof."

"Let's go," I said as soon as he was done.

I walked quickly toward the door to the apartment, followed a moment later by the boys. Now that I knew what I was looking for, I found the passage easily. It blended in so well with the rest of the walls that one could barely tell it was even there if they weren't looking for it specifically. I went up two flights of stairs and reached a door which I moved aside with a wave of my hand.

Light blinded me for a moment as I emerged onto the roof, but when I caught sight of a small body crumpled on the ground, I barely noticed how bright it was. I rushed over and crouched down next to her, pulling her up so she was partly in my lap while I held her head.

"Nova!" I called, trying to get her to wake but she wouldn't stir. "Nova."

I quickly checked her pulse but felt nothing. I looked up at Obi-Wan in shock as I held her close to me.

"Sh-she's... she's gone..." I managed to gasp out.

Whatever feelings I had filed away in the past under strict rules to keep my emotions in check came flooding back all at once as I looked at her lifeless expression. I shed no tears but one as I bent over her and let out a yell of anger and sadness.

What the HELL even happened? Last night she was alive and—even though she was angry—thriving. She wasn't sick, she wasn't depressed, she, as far as I could tell, was happy in general. So either something happened that no one can explain or she was killed by something else... or someone else.

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