Episode 11

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The woman crouched next to me reached out an arm to me as if she was going to touch me but I shrank away from her and her hand retreated. I looked between her and the two standing behind her, confusion overtaking me.

"Who are you?" I asked, my voice cracking several times because my throat was so dry.

"What?!" the woman sounded so shocked that she looked like she stopped breathing. "What do you mean who am I? I'm Sadie, your Jedi Master. You don't remember?"

"Remember what? I don't know you. I don't know any of you," I replied getting more confused by these people every moment. I wanted to get up and get away from these strange people, but by the way my head was feeling, if I tried to stand I would most likely pass out.

"You don't remember anything?" she was quiet, calm almost. She seemed to be studying my face as she knelt in front of me, her expression almost seemed like she was sad.

I shook my head.

"What's the last thing you remember?" she asked.

"I remember being in my room in the Slave City Headquarters and going to sleep, but that's it. I'm sorry, am I supposed to be working a job for you right now? Also where am I?" I grew concerned, if I couldn't remember who I was working for right now, how was I supposed to do my job right? I'm gonna get in so much trouble with the boss if I don't do this right.

The woman, Sadie, turned back to the man and boy behind her and shook her head at them. There was silence for several moments as it looked like her and the man had a conversation with their eyes, then she turned back to me and offered her hand.

I hesitantly took it and she stood up, pulling me with her. "No, child, you're not working right now. You're on Coruscant."

"What the hell am I doing here? I'm not supposed to be here, I should be on Ledocon. Unless," I finally looked up at her. "You bought me."

I backed up from her and bowed my head, keeping my eyes on the floor.

"I apologize, ma'am, I hope I haven't offended by not remembering," I said quietly, bracing myself for a beating, which, if I was correct in my thinking of her being my new master and her having bought me, I rightly deserved.

"Oh my-" she cut off her own statement. "You really don't remember..."

I took a chance and looked up at her and was surprised to see her eyes were a little watery.

"Ma'am...?" I hesitated.

"It's nothing," she shook her head and looked me in the eyes. "You're not a slave anymore, we freed you and you've been with us for almost a year now."

I took a startled step back. A whole year? How was I missing a whole year? What had happened?

"A whole year, ma'am?" I reconfirmed. She nodded.

I looked around me, my head clearing enough for me to see clearly, and saw scorch marks on the concrete underneath my feet going out in lightning-like streaks all leading to the space where I had just been laying. I looked closer and saw a lightsaber sitting next to the central mark on the ground, the weapon had been burned black and it was cracked like it too had been hit by lightning. A little bit of a glow shone through the cracks and it flickered between an emerald green and a bright golden-yellow.

I gazed at it for a moment, entranced, before snapping my gaze back to the three silent people in front of me.

"You're Jedi," I stated rather than asked the adults.

"Yes," the man spoke and Sadie nodded her head.

"You're in training," I said to the boy who looked like he was my age and he nodded as well. "And I'm training as well. That's why you're so upset right now because I've been here training with you for almost a year and I can't remember any of it. Right?"

"Yes," Sadie finally said. "How did you figure that out?"

"The lightsaber on the ground," I stated. "You all have one attached to your belts, so the one there must be mine which would mean I would either be in training or be a Jedi, which I couldn't be because I'm only twelve."

"That makes sense," the man partially muttered.

"So, who are you guys?" I asked. "Maybe telling me things I would already know can jog my memory."

"I'm your Master, Sadie Radda," Sadie answered first.

"I'm Obi-Wan Kenobi, you and Sadie call me Ben, and this is Anakin Skywalker," Ben finished, setting a hand on Anakin's shoulder.

"Okay, and you two are together," I stated bluntly, gesturing to Sadie and Ben.

"How did you know that?" Sadie asked worriedly.

"I can feel the connection between you from over here," I wanted to roll my eyes because to me it was extremely obvious, but judging by all three of their faces it wasn't to them so I decided not to.

They looked at each other, then back to me with quizzical looks on their faces, clearly unsure of what I was capable of. On the other hand, they had more of an idea what I was capable of than I did at this point, since they remembered what I'd done for the past year and I didn't.

I turned to the lightsaber on the ground and picked it up carefully, examining it.

"Looks like the Kyber crystal is still intact, the handle just needs to be replaced. On the other hand if we put a crilynic casing around the cracked parts then it should hold just fine. It would also give off more energy making the blade itself more powerful and it would add more detail to the original designing of the crafted piece," I hadn't noticed that all of them were staring at me like I was a Wookie or something of the sort until I looked up from my study of the lightsaber between my fingers. "What?" I asked, my voice monotone.

"You just..." Obi-Wan seemed at a loss for an explanation.

"How do you know so much about lightsabers?" Sadie asked.

"I used to clean them for the masters. I was often rented to collectors who had me clean a lot of things. I know a lot about them," I replied nonchalantly, shrugging. "Why?"

"Your explanation of what's wrong with it was just very detailed," she answered.

"Right," I nodded

There was silence as I looked back over the saber in my hands, taking in every tiny detail of the craftsmanship. It was well made but not what I would have chosen. I'm guessing Master Radda must have picked it out.

"Should we go inside?" Obi-Wan asked and Sadie nodded then they both looked at me.

"Of course," I agreed. "Maybe you can tell me more?"

"Yes, absolutely," Sadie said and began walking with me as we went to the hatch to descend the stairs into the corridor of the top floor.

We went into an apartment that was just down the hall from where we had come down from the roof, and I guessed it was their—our—home. We sat on one of the couches and started talking.

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