Episode 5

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~ Sadie's POV ~

"What's troubling you?" Obi asked me from the seat next to me in our living room. "I can sense fear, what's going on? You're never afraid."
I had been sitting there for what felt like hours, staring into nothing and driving myself insane assessing what happened in that fight with Nova earlier that day.
"She's getting stronger," I murmured, not moving my gaze from where I was staring into the distance.
"Of course she is, she's a child that's growing up," Obi tried to reassure me, but it only added more edge to what was already there.
"No, Ben," my gaze snapped to Obi's in a split second, the gravity of what I was saying hitting him the same second our eyes locked. "She's getting stronger."
There was silence for several moments as we stared at each other, knowing exactly what the other was thinking.
"What happened during training today?" Ben asked quietly, breaking the silence.
"She demanded to fight someone. And when I asked her who, she challenged me. So we fought, and..." I didn't continue, still processing through it all.
"And what?" Ben's voice was deadly calm.
"She almost beat me," I gasped out in no more than a whisper. "She's only 12, and she's only been training for a couple of months. And she almost beat me in a duel."
"I thought you were holding her back?!" Ben suddenly burst. "I thought you were keeping her to the basics because we know she's strong! We know that she'll overpower us someday, but I thought that we were trying to keep her from fighting for as long as possible so that we can make sure she doesn't turn to the Dark Side! I thought-"
"Benjamin Obi-Wan Kenobi! You don't think I know all this?!" I interrupted him, making it very clear how I felt about the whole situation. "I know she's strong! And I know she'll get the best of me one day and realise that she is so much stronger than she knows or probably will ever know! And I also know that when that day comes she could kill me for not telling her the truth! But right now, I just... I just, I don't know what to do with her. She's extremely impatient and she wants to move on to the next lesson and harder and more challenging activities too fast. And the worst part is me knowing that she can do it, and still not letting her anyway! I care about her... I... she's like the daughter we might never get to have..." I looked away from him at the last part, not knowing how he would react to what I said.
" I know. But we can't let her advance too fast, otherwise someone might find out what we're keeping from her, and they'll take her. And they'll turn her into a weapon... or something worse," Ben stared at his lap.
"I won't lose her," I muttered.
"And we won't," he took hold of my hands and we locked gazes again. "Just keep the lid on her training. And let's try and keep her and Anakin far away from each other."
"Yeah, I agree. They just don't seem to want to get along, and it makes no sense."
"Yeah I know, it's strange," he sighed, leaning back in his seat.
"Well, it's late, we should get some sleep," I put a forced smile on my face because I was still thinking about what happened today.
"Probably," Ben muttered, leaning his head back.
"Goodnight, Ben," I rolled my eyes at him, smiling genuinely at the same time.
I got up and went down the hall to our room, getting ready for bed and climbing in it. Not more than a few minutes later, Obi came in and did the same thing, joining me in the bed and wrapping an arm around me.
"Goodnight love," he whispered in my ear before I sensed his breathing drop which signaled that he was asleep. I smiled just a time bit and snuggled down a bit further, closing my eyes and falling asleep moments later.
It didn't last, however, and the next thing I knew I was bolting up in a cold sweat, fear clouding my vision as my nightmare flashed through my memory. When I was finally able to take a breath, I looked over to see if I had woken Obi up. Luckily, I hadn't, and it honestly wasn't a surprise. That man could sleep through a seismic charge going off in our living room.
I rubbed my face with my hands and swung my legs over the edge of the bed, sliding onto the slick, cool floor.
I walked to the double doors that lead out to our balcony and went out them, leaning against the railing and closing my eyes. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, my hair flicking around in the slight wind brushing agains my face.
"You know, a bit of fresh air really does a person good," I jumped at the voice and instantly turned to where it was, my hand gripping my lightsaber.
In the shadows by the door stood a figure, and they started to move when they finished speaking. They stepped into the light and my grip tightened, my jaw clenching in preparation for a fight I now knew was bound to happen.

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