Work hard

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‪Work hard doesn't mean beat yourself into labor.
Work for hours without break.
Seven days so, no days off.
Work hard, but sanely.
Set goals and accomplish.
Do what it takes to get where you want to be and not killing yourselves in the process. ‬
What is the point on forcing yourself into something and when you have to enjoy the outcome you'll have to spend it on medications and treatments.
Why? Because, in the process of earning you fail to take care of the important things.
Your health. Your mental health.
Be wise. Be careful.
Money is not your life
You have to live to get the money
So is work.
Someone once said " you have to live to work, not work to live."
Today you're here in this position.
Tomorrow when you're gone, they will fill that empty space real quick.
Work for your own benefits not anyone else.
You work for you.
You earn.
You win.


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