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I learned to teach myself to not get used to mediocrity.
I want to move from monotonous and get excited about new things every day
Life is too short to have a fabricated routine.
Doing the same things everyday frustrates me
I like to challenge myself for the better
Experimenting with new things
New ideas
Explore out of the box
See the world with my own eyes
There is too much hide away
People are scared to leave their homes
I am willing to leave mine if it necessary
I don't have a clue what it feels like to breathe the joy of travel
I will never know if I stay indoors
I will never know if I they put fear in me
Telling me the world is bad won't make it go away
People are the ones that are bad
The world isn't
The world is a beautiful place where I can breathe nature and peace
Be the explorer of life


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