Haunting past

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I know life has been hard on you.
You keep thinking that you're wrong.
You're thinking that everyone is right, except for you.
You choose to put yourself into situations where there's no way out.
You keep thinking that every thing you do is nonsense.
Every thing you think doesn't have a value.
You don't seem to move on from whatever is bothering you.
You keep thinking about your past.
The things you did wrong back then.
Whatever is holding you back from the past, is not you.
They say you should take some step back in order to move forward.
But, this time you just need to cary on from where you're standing.
It's not fair to battle your mind about it.
Because, it doesn't even matter.
Whatever your past is hunting,
You have to overcome it.
And stop overthinking every second of it.
You might be thinking it's not you but, the people around you.
Maybe they're wrong and you're right.
Just set your mind at peace and get it together.
Life is a circle.
Everything comes and goes.
Everyone steps in then leave.
You shouldn't hold accountable for what haunts you.
The moment you feel free step out of that prison.
It's tricky.
Don't consider anyone.
Don't ever justify being held hostage for something you think was your mistake.
Feel free to fly away from the arms of the misery.
Fly into the arms of warmth and welcome.
There is where you should belong.
And whatever the past is,
is in the past.

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