90 Days

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Somewhere between the weeks of frustration and overwhelming decisions, there is a life fighting itself hidden behind a masquerade.
Three months of back and forth
The longest three months that ever existed.
Somehow it's normal to see struggles consume you
It's never a healthy way of passing through life
90 days where hope has been the only solution
90 days of broken heart and disappointments combined
90 days where motivation has been divided into pieces
90 days of trying to not lose it
90 days of confusion and questioning why.
90 days of agony
90 days of stress and anxiety
Depressed for not making it out there
How terrible of a feeling is the feeling of struggle.
90 days of facing the reality while portraying the I'm fine face
90 days of calling it's all right
while it never was
These 90 days were so hard that it consumed your soul daily
Pain is temporary, they say
But struggle is what we will never compare to pain anymore
It's a dark shadow that consumes your brain, your heart and your soul all in one
It makes you darken inside
Since it has been 90 days of agony,
The 91st day should be time for a line of light.


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