Tenisons Rise

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It's no secret I'm not one for the "gory" part of this FBI job... Hearing that deep, creepy voice sent shivers down my spine, as tears ran down my face.

"Who is this?" J.J. yelled into the phone, gesturing me to try to track the call.

"That's not important. What is important is that you get my message very, very clearly. You will never, ever, find Carly Shay. She's been hidden once, it can easily happen again. Don't get your hopes up." He said, with a menacing laugh at the end.

"She's been hidden once? What the hell does that mean?" J.J. asked, the voice laughed again.

"God, you all really don't know what you've gotten yourselves into." He said, this time clicking the phone off. All we heard for the next few seconds was static.

"Did you track the call?" She asked me, I shook my head no.

"Call the rest of the team back." She demanded, I obliged.

"Morgan, Garcia just texted. We're needed back at the office immediately." I said, interrupting his long conversation with T-Bo. They had been talking amongst themselves for about a half hour, while I sat alone occasionally sipping my smoothie.

I had quite a bit on my mind. My mother had been giving me more trouble than usual recently, but I loved her nonetheless. She was known to disappear from her institution several times a month, but they couldn't figure out where she was going or who she was seeing. Every time she would disappear, I would have to fly out and see her. She was very very secretive about what she was doing.

"Why don't you just go? T-Bo can give me a lift later, right?" He said, seductively raising his eyebrows at T-Bo.

"Of course I can," He nodded.

"Well, I'm fairly positive they wanted both of us to go back." I argued, Morgan glared at me.

"Kid, do you remember the discussion we had?" He said, turning away from T-Bo.

"You know I remember," I said. That conversation just consisted of "please don't interrupt me ever when I'm talking to a fine ass babe." I don't know what he could see in T-Bo, but I didn't want to start an argument so I just took the car keys and left.

Emily, Hotch, and I had spent quite awhile looking around the weird shrine and the rest of the apartment before I received Garcia's text message.

"Alright crew, time to head out. Garcia says it's urgent that we get back." I said, they all followed me out. Emily's attention was caught by the drunken man at the front desk, with the large mole.

"I should talk to him, guys. He knows something." She said, stopping us all in our tracks.

"How do you know that?" I asked.

"I sense it, just believe me Rossi." She said, and with that, walking to the front desk. Hotch began to walk outside, I suppose not caring Emily wasn't coming along.

We got into the car, and drove to the office. Once we arrived inside, the team was gathered at the meeting table. Hotch and I took our seats.

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