Candy Jewels (juuls lmao) and Magic

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I was feeling terribly ill that evening. I had been throwing up for a few days at that point and I had no idea why. When I told my boyfriends, they didn't know why either, but gave me sensual tummy massages to calm me down.

But regardless, I was still worried. I was considering heading home, maybe sending a different tech wiz in my place. There was a lot of geniuses at the BAU base back in DC, so certainly it wouldn't be very hard to find a replacement.

I was contemplating on the sofa in my hotel room with Derek and T-Bo. While they had sex, I decided to listen to some ASMR to help me decide what I was going to do. ASMR always helped me when my mind was jumbled and confused.

"Hey guys, it's Robarazzi ASMR here." Robbie, of the popular internet drama show Robarazzi said. "I thought we'd try something a little different today. I'm going to report the hot gossip of the week in ASMR."

I sighed, knowing how annoyed Sam would be with me knowing I was listening to Robbie's calming voice, but I continued anyway. After thirty minutes, Robbie performed his outro.

"That's all from me, guys. If you liked this video, subscribe. You can also become a donator to my Patreon using the link in my description. This gives you access to exclusive content, like sexy ASMR and mukbangs. Also, if you donate fifteen dollars, you get access to my private snapchat! Yay! Bye!" He said, and the video went black. I had had enough time to think of my next move at that point. I grabbed my bag and got ready to head out the door.

"Babe, where you going? Don't you wanna join us?" T-Bo asked, pulling out a bottle of lube on a stick.

"No thanks, you guys have fun. I'll be back soon." I said, smiling brightly at my two beautiful boyfriends.

"Alright, see you soon." Derek said, and I walked out the door.

The Italian breeze was swift and warm as I walked down the street. I heard murmurs of people talking in fluent Italian, with bits of English thrown in. I made my way all the way down a few blocks and walked into a connivence store.

Inside, there was practically nobody around. It was late in the night at that point, so I felt awkward buying what I was about to buy. Once I got into the right isle, my hand wandered towards a little white box labeled "test di gravidanza" which I knew meant "pregnancy tests" by the picture on the box.

After grabbing it, I held it in my hands for awhile. I couldn't believe there was a possibility I was pregnant. T-Bo had always had us use condoms on a stick, so I didn't understand how in the world I could be pregnant. But, I suppressed my worries, since I had no way of knowing yet.

I brought the box up to the cashier and checked out. It was placed into a tiny yellow bag and handed back to me quickly, and I shuffled out. I nearly ran down the street, eager to get back to my hotel room and take the test.

Course, I didn't know what I would do if it turned out positive. I wanted children, with both T-Bo and Derek, but not at that moment. We weren't married, and I wasn't in a good place to get through a whole pregnancy.

Back inside, I had to wait until nearly morning for T-Bo and Derek to go to sleep. I didn't want to arise any suspicion from them. Once I saw the sun coming up and my boys eyelids shut, I made my way into the bathroom and opened the box.

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