The Battle Of Marriage

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"Rue the day! I know what that means." I exclaimed, slapping Hotch's arm. "Let me in there!"

"First of all, ouch! Second of all, we can not do that. You're not a qualified agent." Hotch explained.

"Neither are the Big Time Rush boys!" I defended.

"They're in summer school right now, actually. So that's not a good argument, Ms. Puckett." Hotch argued. In response I hit him with the classic butter in a sock dick move (aka where you take your butter sock and launch it into your enemies dick) and ran into the integration room.

"Rue the day! Do you know Nevel Papperman?" I asked, pushing Reid away from the table. He stumbled like an idiot.

"Nevel? Aah! Nevel!" Spencer screamed, slamming his head into the table. Rossi restrained him as I kept talking. I pulled up Google and googled Nevel to pull up a picture reference.

"This is Nevel. You know him, don't you?" I asked again. Spencer spit on the phone screen before answering.

"He stalked Carly. He took Carly! He took her!" Spencer yelled. "I came to find her! I swear."

I backed away from the table, quite satisfied with my skills. Reid started jotting things down in his notebook frantically as I asked Spencer more questions.

"Where did Nevel take her?" I asked.

"The theater is showing Iron Man 2 today, as well as Princess Protection Program starring Dahme Luhvatoe and Suleana Guhmez!" Spencer blurted out. The nonsense made me realize one thing: I had lost Spencer. He'd given me as much information as we could.

"I think we should put him in a holding cell. He's not completely innocent but I can see Nevel being the real culprit" I suggested.

"What gives you the authority to make that suggestion?" Reid snapped back.

"Maybe because I was the only bitch in here bad enough to get some information from him?" I said, keeping Reid silent. Pussy boy.

I didn't really pay much attention to the case during the days I was planning my wedding. It made me feel sad to think about the ongoing kidnapping investigation I could be helping with during my wedding planning.

So I didn't fucking think about it lol.

I remember Reid mentioning hitting some road blocks. Without me running the tech room, it was very difficult to find information on Nevel and track him. Sam would often barge into my hotel room and scream at me, begging me to do a day of work. I would clapback and tell her how hard it was to plan a whole wedding in a week while in Italy, and pregnant.

She didn't like when I did that.

Wedding planning wasn't all that bad. I did everything with my loves, T-Bo and Derek. We also had some help from the BTR. Their summer school classes ended early, so we'd pick them up and then go do some planning.
Y/N was there too, and that sucked.

"When me and Gíbbé get married, I think we're gonna have a destination wedding in Costa Rica." Y/N fantasized, one day in the car on our way to test wedding cakes.

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