Sold to BTR?!?!??

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After awhile of being upstairs, hanging around and analyzing the situation, I noticed Sam and Gíbbé were nowhere to be seen. Usually Sam was loud and vocal, so not hearing her around was odd. I politely excused myself and headed down into the living room. Shockingly, though I probably shouldn't have been shocked, the two were sat there, their eyes red and smiles plastered on their faces. I could hear them talking about nonsense, ideas inconceivable to the untainted mind.

"You know, my boys have been so sad lately. All of them, not just Logan. You know?" Gíbbé said, Sam nodded.

"I gotta do something to cheer them up." Gíbbé pondered, resting his head gently on the back of the sofa. The two didn't even seem to notice I was staring at them.

"Yeah, you should, dude. I can hook you up with some butter socks, if you want." Sam purposed, Gíbbé seemed to consider it before shrugging off that idea. Sam seemed legitimately hurt.

"Hey, uh, I'm here!" I finally blurted out. The two slowly turned their heads to look at me, taking what seemed like hours.

"Ugh, way to ruin my high." Sam said, practically gagging.

I didn't bother to reply to her, or to Gíbbé's weird moan grunts, as I dragged them out of the mansion. I was tired of their unprofessionalism, especially in such a dire time. A man was dead, for god sake! I was appalled as the two sat on the stairs, not even seeming to realize what their wrongdoing had been. I proceeded to leave them on the stairs, realizing I didn't even know what to do with them. I was too upset to yell, so I simply left.

Back upstairs, we concluded our studies and Carly's father was taken out of the room in a body bag. Everyone stood in silence and watched as he was zipped up into the bag and escorted out. Maids dashed in, holding bottles of bleach and rags, ready to clean the bloodstained floors. We understood that as our cue to head out and go back to the hotel for the evening. There was no reason to hang around.


Being high out of my mind (i know ur jealous lol 420), I was shocked when I was dragged off the porch and into a van. My boys, the Big Time Rush boys, had grabbed me. I was relieved when I realized it was only them and not a craZy stalker killer, that would suck lol.

The car ride was completely silent. Though I was angry at James and Kendall, I still did not enjoy seeing them so sad. They weren't cut out for a life of dead bodies and ongoing mystery. I began to consider maybe my brother was a bit insane to send these teenage boys into my hands, when a lovely idea popped into my head. My boys spirits would rise if my plan worked accordingly.

I couldn't help but smile.

We arrived at the hotel and went our separate ways. I, since I lived in Italy, drove back to my mansion. My HUGE big mansion that I own because I am rich and better than you. I paid it off in full in a mere two days. It cost about as much as the entire state of Michigan.

Once inside my humble abode, I sat down at my golden plated desk gifted to me by the Queen of England and opened up my NASA grade laptop. I then opened up email and began drafting an email to my dear, smart friend. He was in a business of which I had much interest. Quickly, I sent it, and sat in waiting for a response.

My friend was swift, only taking a half hour to reply back. It was simple, only two line.

"Anything for you Gíbbé, bring you and the boys to the following address tomorrow at eight. 183 Via Cavour Street, Rome, Italy."

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