The Questioning

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My body collided fiercely with Spencer's. I heard his fragile bones slam against the pavement, causing the skin to break and his arms to bleed. Quickly, I dug into my dresses pocket and pulled out my very trusted butter sock.

"No, Sam! Not the butter sock!" Freddie yelled from the sidelines. I didn't reply as I slammed the silky sock filled with butter on Spencer's stern face. Spencer begged me to stop, but I didn't care. I wanted him to suffer the most extreme pain possible.

Suddenly, I felt two hands pulling me off of the man. I looked behind me and saw Reid, grunting as he lifted me. I retaliated by swinging my butter sock at his face, but I missed. Before I knew it, I was back behind the side lines watching Emily and Derek handcuff Spencer.

"Why did you do that, you idiot!" I screamed, shoving Reid into a van.

"You were going to kill him!" Reid replied back, pushing himself off the van.

"So what? He deserves to be dead!" I reasoned.

"We don't have any idea where Carly could be, killing him would kill our chance of finding her." Reid tried to explain, but I stormed off. He foolishly tried to follow me.

"What is your problem? Why are you so obsessed with me?" I turned around and yelled. He stood there for a moment, not replying. We just stared at each other. It was weird, we'd been strangers not so long ago and now it seemed we were destined to be mortal enemies.

"I don't want you to get lost. I'll get in trouble. Just, come on back. We're heading to the station to get Spencer set up in questioning, okay?" Reid calmly stated.

"No. I'm not going with you. I'll get a ride from my friend Gibby." I replied, before running back up the alley to speak to Gibby. Gibby seemed content shooting his enemy Gíbbé angry looks, but I told him we had to get going.

"Hey, Gíbbé, I'll see you at the station!" Gibby called out as we walked towards his rented car.

The drive was quiet, as Gibby's mind seemed to be thinking about what insults he was going to throw at Gíbbé, and mine was thinking about Spencer. A man I had known so, so long. Could he truly do that to his damn sister?

We pulled up at the station around the same time as everyone else. I decided to avoid eye contact with everyone and just walk inside.

Inside, Spencer was put into a room with nothing in it except a table and two chairs. The walls had windows on them, but their view was only to the inside. Spencer couldn't see everyone outside gathering to watch him.

"Can I go inside?" I asked, finally breaking my silence.

"No. This is FBI business, you need to go join Gibby, Freddie, T-Bo, Big Time Rush, Y/N, and Gíbbé in the conference room." Reid replied.

"Aren't Gíbbé and Big Time Rush FBI?" I asked, trying to lengthen my time allowed watching.

"Barely. Now, you have to go." Reid shooed me.

"Wow, way to be nice to me after being a bitch in the alley earlier." I scoffed, before turning on my heels and heading into the conference room.

Sam was really managing to get on my nerves that day. The whole time I had known her she'd been the same way: rude and inconsiderate. But that day it seemed to have been taken to a whole new level.

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