iQurantined Because of The iCoronaVirus!

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yes i am joking about the corona virus i hope nobody minds i simply need to cope during these trying times. hope this makes u smile:) kk wit that being said be sure to vote leave comments whatever hope u enjoy:


Reid, Mom, and I arrived at the hospital. The ambulance ride had consisted of mostly silence. It wasn't a pleasant experience, watching my mother groan on a hospital bed after slipping on a butt plug.

"I don't think you're telling the truth about that butt plug, by the way." I said, fiddling my thumbs.

"You can believe what you want, Sam. You always do," Reid quipped.

Our mother released an animalistic screech, which was seemingly her way of telling us to shut the fuck up. I suppose we both felt sympathy for her, so we obliged.

The medical staff wheeled her out of the ambulance. Reid and I got out as well. He fell on his way out, probably scrapping his little, pathetic knees. I laughed as he embarrassedly got up off the ground.

Inside the hospital, we were told to wait out in the waiting room while they operated or did whatever was necessary with our mom. To avoid fighting, we sat as far apart as possible. I was restless, but Reid seemed to be distracting himself by reading some book about chess.

I spent some time thinking. I did promise our mom we would try to get along, at least during work, but I already broke that promise. Reid made it so difficult. His punchable face. He should've maybe tried getting better genes like I have, from my dad Matthew Lillard. Maybe then I wouldn't be urged to punch him.

The peacefulness ended. A woman came rushing into the room, I vaguely recognized her from Robarazzi. She looked like someone that had been in the audience.

"You! You need to be in quarantine! Are you crazy? Why are you out here?" The woman exclaimed. Reid looked up, confused. I agreed, I was confusing.

"Quarantined? For what?" Reid asked.

"For what?" She asked, mockingly. I already didn't like her attitude. "The iCoronaVirus! iCOVID-54321?"

We stared back with confusion. I had never heard of her and I did not like her.

"The virus! God, how don't you know what this is?" The woman asked.

"We've even extremely focused on a kidnapping case. Well, I have been. Everyone else has been focused on a funeral and wedding." I remarked, Reid glared at me.

"Well, there will be even more funerals if you don't come with me right now." The woman explained. I was tired of arguing, or doing whatever we were doing, so I got up. Reid followed along with me. We walked down the corridor as the nurse talked some more.

"We're gonna test you for the virus, okay? It won't take long, only a day to get results. You'll have to stay here while we wait." The nurse explained.

"Well, our moms in the emergency room, it's not like we were going anywhere." I said with a sigh. Yet another daily in finding my best friend.

"Oh yes, the buttplug woman. What an odd occurrence," The woman reflected.

"Please do not call her the buttplug woman." Reid requested.

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