Singing Together for the First Time

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      After about a half hour, we completed the arrangement. "Okay guys it's time for us to sing our parts together to see if we sound good together and to find and fix any mistakes we may have. " I told everyone. "Okay I'm so nervous." Mitch said. "Just try to do the best you can do. You all are amazing and talented people." I said to everyone. "Okay one, two, three." I counted. We all began to sing. "We sound so good together! We could win competitions if we ever sign up for anything!" I screamed. I am so happy and exited. Everyone started to not feel as scared when we continued singing together. We sang for my parents and arranged more songs. Now the guys wished they joined choir in the first place. I seriously can't wait for my audition and to sing more with the guys. I began to get really nervous and Kevin noticed. "It's okay, we all know you will pass that audition! You're beautiful and very talented." That means the world to me. We're all best friends now even though we just met like a couple weeks ago.
      This is it, tomorrow is my audition. I really hope I make it. I've been practicing for so long now. It feels like I lived an entire life singing just one song. Stuck with one song. For one of the most important parts of my life. I'm literally going to sleep tonight drowning in the song I'm auditioning with.
      It's finally time for my audition now and I have to go during lunch. I am on my way to the choir room. I got there and she said that I was next. I am so nervous. "Time to audition!" My choir teacher told me. I went inside and began singing the song I have practiced forever. I could hear a tiny bit of nerves in my voice, but not too much that other people could possibly notice... right? "Okay you did good. NEXT!" She said. I keep getting worried because the list is going up tomorrow and I keep thinking I wasn't good enough. I found the guys and we all went outside to arrange more songs. We now spend so much time arranging mostly mainstream pop music into acapella pieces. No one knows about us just yet. We need to arrange more and practice more before we tell people about us.

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