Chapter Four

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Blair's POV

Yea, I know I had promised Carter that I'd lay low for a little while but a new computer was too addicting. I just had to go try it out. So I planned my next heist. The only fairly close art museum that I haven't yet robbed was about a mile away. Do I dare rob it? Oh hell yes.

I hacked into the security system and studied it. There were several areas where the security cameras didn't reach and all of the paintings had lasers in front of them when the museum closed. I can work with this.

I waited until about 1:30am then I started to gather my stuff. I put on a dark blue, almost black, haired wig with brown contacts, and a mask(because I'm dramatic like that). Then I dropped the tracer on my bed. Good luck tracking me now, Agent Burke.

Then I put all my supplies, seven clear bendy hollow tubes, my computer, two hard drives, wires, powder and a cable, in a black backpack and changed into black leggings, a black long sleeve shirt, and combat boots. I also put on gloves so I wouldn't leave any fingerprints at the crime scene.

I was ready.

I slung my backpack over my shoulder and headed out, making sure to stay out of sight.

Once I was on the block of the art museum, I found used an old fire escape to climb onto the roof of an apartment building. The buildings were close enough and relatively the same height that I could climb across the roofs and make it to the museum.

There was a skylight on the top of the museum. From what I could tell, there was no security on the skylight. Or any on the roof. I opened the skylight and hooked one end of my cable to the ledge and the other to my belt. I'd only done this once before so I prayed that I wouldn't fall to my death. Not that anyone would miss me. I pushed away that thought and tried to focus on the feeling of excited about stealing a new painting.

Before I lowered myself down, I hooked my computer up to the alarm system and shut off the alarms. I was sorta wanting myself to get caught, Yes, that's how bored I was; so I decided to leave the security cameras up. I had on a wig, different colored contacts and a mask covering my face. I doubt they'd be able to match my description.

I had four minutes and forty nine seconds before someone realized the alarms were off, so I needed to work fast.

I then lowered myself down and looked around for any floor lasers. There were none, so I set myself down, walked to the closet painting and took out my powder, which I promptly blew and revealed where the lasers in front of the painting were.

I took the clear tubes and MacGyvered it by basically using the clear tubes to redirect the lasers so I could plug in my computer to the wall to fully shut off the lasers. Which I did.

I had only just shoved the painting into the bag when the entire museum lit up and a dozen FBI agents ran in, pointing their guns at me.

"FBI! Drop the painting and put your hands in the air!" One shouted at me.

I dropped the painting. And ran. Not my best idea or impulse.

I was showered with bullets as I dodged them miraculously and then dove behind a showcase holding some piece of Chinese art.

The FBI agents stopped firing in order to not shoot the art.

"Come out with your hands in the air!" One of them shouted. It was a woman this time. She had chocolate skin and silky black hair. I recognized her as Agent Diana Berrigan. Wow. Agent Burke put Agent Berrigan on my trail. I'm honored.

My mom always said, "to go through life with a smile" so that was exactly what I was going to do. I stood up, smirking, with my hands in the air. "Well it's about time!"

A wave of uncertainty rolled through most of the agents. Probably not what they were expecting me to say.

Agent Burke ran in with Neal. He put handcuffs on me and lead me out to a police car.

"Miss Taylor?" Neal asked. "May I?" He gestured to my wig, which I presumed he wanted to take it off.

"Be my guest."

He took it off and displayed my silky brown hair. He looked slightly surprised not to see my blonde wig.

"I don't actually have blonde hair ya know." I said.

Agent Burke looked perplexed. "You seem awfully calm for being arrested."

"And you seem awfully nice for arresting a well-known criminal. I really appreciate the kindness."

He chuckled. "No problem."

He was about to put me in the car when I stopped him. "Nuh Uh Uh. Im a capable human being. I can do that myself." I sat in the car.

I certainly liked confusing them with my answers instead of the usual pleading or glaring.

Right before Agent Burke shut the door, I flashed him a smile. "Thanks Agent. I was awfully bored and now things are just getting interesting."

He furrowed his eyebrows and shut the door.

I sighed. Carter is going to kill me.

Neal's POV

I turned to Peter. "What did she mean by that?"

He shook his head. "I don't know. But I don't like the sound of it. Why would a sixteen year old be robbing banks? She also did not seem bothered by the fact that she's been arrested."

"Odd right?"

He laughed sarcastically. "Just a little."
Would love to hear feedback if you guys are enjoying it

Later guys ✌🏻

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