Chapter Twelve

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Blair's POV

We didn't make a lot of progress the rest of the day, but it was Monday. On Wednesday at 3:14am we planned to have me logged into multiple banks digitally to see if I could get a reading on our guy. I wasn't absolutely happy about the time but I figured that since I was usually awake at some point during the night, it wouldn't be a big deal.

Agent Burke and I drove to his house. I couldn't call it home yet. I barely accepted my own house from a few months ago my home, but that was gone too.

"So, Blair," Agent Burke kept his eyes on the road while driving. "How'd you like working with the FBI?"

"Well... it was slightly more boring than I thought it would be, but it was interesting to see the other side of the operations to catch criminals like me."

"Not as easy as you think it would be."

A piece of hair fell into my eyes and I tucked it behind my ear. "Certainly not. A lot of work is put into it... How'd you get my case?"

"Originally the Cyber Crime division had your case. Until you stole a painting and money that is. You gave the FBI such a hard time." He pulled into his driveway and turned off the car.

"Sorry. Releasing viruses and such was just too much fun."

"I know. What senator was it again? Wasn't he from California?"

Oh fantastic. Agent Burke knew about that too. "Let's just focus on solving the crime at hand right now."

He chuckled and shut the car off. "Neal would've said something similar."

"Oh speaking of Neal, I'm going to hang out with him later."

Agent Burke stopped and looked at me. "What're you two planning?"

"No no no. He got me ice cream so we're going to watch Legally Blonde..." I lied. I didn't look anywhere but his eyes, My hands stayed still, and there was no indication that I was lying. Over the years I'd, sadly, became quite accustomed to lying.

"Sounds fun." I could tell he was skeptical, but I gave no sign that I was lying.

"I'll walk over in a little while if that's alright."

"Yea, sure." We walked in the house and were greeted by Elizabeth.

"How was work today?"

"It was good." Agent Burke gave Elizabeth a kiss while I discreetly gagged.

"Anything I can get you?" She asked me.

I shook my head. "I'm fine. Thank you though. I'm just going to go upstairs for a little while." I quickly walked upstairs and plopped on my bed.

I had been allowed to take the computer I was given home with the exception that I'd have someone either sit with me while I was on it or monitoring it. Sort of like how people kept track of Neal's and I's tracking anklets.

The first thing I did on my new(well old) computer was set up a SoundCloud account on it. I had no earbuds or headphones so the only choice I had was to play music out loud. I played "COPYCAT" by Billie Eilish and hummed along as I took out my coloring book.

It was almost finished. It had only two empty pages left. That saddened me. I guess I would need to go get a new one soon.

The clock said that it was 4:59. Would that be too early to go to Neal's? I wasn't sure but I figured that I'd just order a pizza beforehand.

I quietly slipped out of the house and started jogging my way to Neal's. A moment later my phone rang. It was Agent Burke. "Hey what's up?"

"Where'd you go?"

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