Chapter Twenty

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"Blair," He said. "You're not going to die. I won't allow it."

"You can put 'I was told I wasn't going to die but now I'm six feet below' on my gravestone."


"Actually," I interrupted. "Scratch that. I'm gonna be cremated."

"Will you be quiet?" He said with such intensity that it scared me slightly. "You. Aren't. going. To. Die. I swear it."

I hated to admit it, but death was one thing that always terrified me. "You're not going to let me die, right?"

"Of course not."

I got up and sat next to him and slowly leaned on him. I felt Agent Burke tense up briefly but slowly relaxed and hugged me. "Tomorrow's the anniversary of my parents death."

"I'm sorry, Blair."

"Thanks." We sat for another moment. "Listen, I'm going to try to get a good night sleep for once, so..." I trailed off.

"Oh. Yea, sure." He let me go.

"Uh. G'night." I passed Elizabeth on the stairs. "I had such a great day, Elizabeth. Thank you."

"Of course, Blair!"

By the time 3am roller around, I was still awake, tossing and turning, trying to find a comfortable position where I might finally fall asleep.

I glanced at the clock. It was 3:15 now. Not much hope in getting sleep anymore. I slid out of bed, not making a sound, and pulled out my laptop. If I couldn't sleep I might as well be working on the case.

I tried tracing the money trail. That lead to India and then disappeared. I tried everything thing I could think of and still ended up with nothing.

4:00 was what my alarm read. I was just about to give up for the night when a tab opened up on my computer.

It was the alarm system I set up.

The hacker was siphoning money out of a bank right before my very eyes. But as I pressed on to find who this hacker might be, I realized that it wasn't a remote system. It was an on-site job. The hacker was in the building.

If I could get a picture of him, maybe the FBI would finally see that I could be more than an emotionally unstable hacker .

Rather than waking up Agent Burke, I pulled on my shoes, grabbed my phone, and slipped out into the night. I had about 10 minutes before the hacker was gone and I wanted to take a pic of them so that we'd have facial recognition, so I sprinted as fast as I could to the bank and saw through the glass doors, a figure knelt in front of a computer.

The figure was obviously a man from the height and stature. But it was dark out and clearly, I didn't think this through.

My phone would generate enough light to see the guys face even if the phone screen didn't give myself away. I could see the outline of a gun clipped on his pocket and I was unarmed. I dialed Agent Burke's number.

After a few rings he picked up. His voice was a mix of tired, annoyed and concerned. "Agent Peter Burke speaking."

"Agent Burke?" I whispered.

"Blair? What the hell are you doing calling me?"

"I found Enigma."

"Great, tell me more in the mor-" he stopped. "Blair. Why are you calling me when you're in the next room."

"Listen, I don't have much time. I see Enigma right now, stealing money!" I was so dead in the morning.

"Holy crap, Blair. Where are you?!"

I told him the address.

"Stay there and stay out of sight I'm on my way." Stay on the phone."

"Sure, no pro- He's gone." I had looked up to see an empty building. I lost Enigma. If I didn't find him again I'd be grounded for nothing and probably be brought to prison again.

"Blair! Stay-"

I hung up and called Neal. He answered on the fourth ring.

"Blair? Why're you calling this early? Everything okay?"

"I found Enigma." I told him the address.

"Is Peter with you?"

I didn't answer.

"Oh my g- Blair!"

"Just come!" I hung up on him too and ran into the alley next to the bank. I saw Enigma climbing down the building. He dropped to the floor and turned around to see me.

At first glance I thought it was Carter but then I saw that he had a completely different face.

"Fallon Tyler. I've been looking for you."

My eyes widened as he said my real name. "Enigma?"

"What a wonderful nickname for me. The FBI was always so creative with those." He took a step forward and I took a step back. "Your parents put up a good fight.

"What do you want?"

"You should never have come alone. It's dangerous for little girls to be out in the streets of New York City at night." His voice creeped me out. It was as if a darkness itself was a human being. How perfect. "Stupid, stupid little girl."

"Stop calling me that."

He smiled. His teeth were a ghostly white, contrasting against the black night. "How cute."

"How creepy."

He laughed. Had I actually said that out loud? He started towards me.

I stepped back. Where was Neal and Peter? And why on earth had I thought this would be a good idea.

Enigma kept smiling, it was creeping me out.

I turned around to run but another figure blocked my path. It was Carter. "Carter! Thank god! I-" I stopped, noticing how sad he looked. He was holding a gun. "Carter?"

He came closer. "I'm sorry, Blair." They both grabbed my arms and Carter put the gun to my neck.

Before he pulled the trigger, Enigma cut my palm open and dripped the blood on the ground. "Maybe they'll give up trying to find you if they think you're dead." He hissed in my ear. I squirmed. I hated people breathing on my neck and ears.

"Maybe they'll kill you when this is over." I spat back.

He slapped me and told Carter to pull the trigger. As my cheek stung from being slapped, I silently pleaded with Carter to not to, but all I got was emotionless eyes as he pulled the trigger.

I cried out and fell to the ground in pain as my entire body cramped up. Something hit me across the back of my head and everything turned black.

Well, That's it! That was the last chapter of this book. An epilogue is coming and I'll post when the Sequel is out. Also thank you for almost 5.k reads! This is so crazy!

Thank you for staying with this story! It means so much to me!

Edit: also I changed the ending slightly. It still has the same outcome but as I did some research I found that it wasn't super accurate.

-Julia Stone

HACKED: a White Collar fanficWhere stories live. Discover now